August 4, 2020

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Business Short

Choosing Wisely

I have always been a fan of nostalgia. One part of that beloved history is in food establishments, more directly cafeterias.

Though there are several cafeterias active in business today, they are not as popular or readily available as they once were. I enjoyed visiting great venues like Bickford’s, Morrison’s, Piccadilly, S&W, K&W and MCL, which remains very moderately active in the Midwest. The facility atmosphere was relaxing and refreshing. It was also a treat to be able to scan the many food choices including salads, vegetables, meats, fish, poultry and oh yes, the desserts; and, to have the freedom to make your choices. You had to decide the serving size and also had to accept that choice after it was made. Regardless, the food was tasty, the cost reasonable; but there could be consequences. The consequences of choosing a food portion too large or too small or even a food that did not taste as good as it looked. In the end, it was important to pause, use caution and choose wisely.

In today’s fast paced society, you have a similar experience. You have a tremendous “cafeteria” that is visited each day: the “cafeteria of life.” You are able to browse through the varied events of the day that confront you and make choices too. There is a bountiful assortment of opportunities that lie in front of you. It is important to take cautious steps as you gaze over the selections and take care not to choose solely based on appearance. What may look good and inviting just may turn out to be very ineffective. Yes, you have the ability and the power to control the “choices” you make and how those selections will enable you to build your future.

Each choice you make, each “salad of goals,” “vegetable of activities,” “meat of opportunity,” and “dessert of action,” will supply you with the filling value for your investment; or it can leave you empty and hungry for the riches that you might have overlooked or abandoned. You, and you alone, have the opportunity to make the selections that can provide the most satisfying and beneficial fulfillment. Remember, most often a well-balanced approach will provide you the most value; so not too many desserts or meats nor too few vegetables. As noted sales and motivational great Zig Ziglar once said, “You are free to choose, but the choices you make today will determine what you will have, be, and do in the tomorrow of your life.” 

It has been said that the measure of choosing well is whether a man likes and finds good in what he has chosen. The larger issue lies in the fact that there are multitudes of choices available if a man will simply pause to evaluate what lies before him. Don’t be fooled by making a selection that on the surface appears to be “tasty” when in fact that selection is in reality a “bitter fruit.” Though the choices can be challenging, proper selections can be made. Your confidence in that fact will enable you to build an impactful future. As the old saying conveys, 

“God gave each of us two ends:
one to think with and one to sit on.
Success comes in which you choose.
Heads you win and tails you lose!”

My New Books!

“If opportunity doesn’t knock, build a door.”
~Milton Berle

In my new book, I provide a theme for each month of the year. August's focus is on Courage.

Visit me on
Social Media
 for more excerpts and inspiration from the book!


This companion eBook includes
extra content about each of the
12 themes in
"Thoughts Along the Way".
>> Read the story of why I wrote my first books HERE. <<

 Visit My Book Page!


Herman DixonHerman Dixon
Author, Speaker, Executive Advisor
P. (304) 839-5101

Author of the book, Thoughts Along The Way and the forthcoming books, Confessions of A Poor Country Boy and Hermanisms.