Think BIG
September 2015

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Your 90 Second Business Tip

One of the most common shortfalls of business professionals is assuming that those they lead do not need a regular performance update.  People want to know where they stand in their development, job performance and also their ability to meet overall expectations of the organization.  Making time to allow these interchanges to materialize will strengthen the individual, improve the business efficiency and most importantly help the business leader to be established as one who cares not only about profit and results, but about the individual as well.

Feature Article
What Is This Thing Called Success?

Many times I have been asked what constitutes success. What is the “one” thing that in your opinion makes the winning difference? Without hesitation I simply reply:  “How people really see themselves.” I am then asked to further explain this very plain response. Here is how I explain: We use ourselves too often as “punching bags” from a physical and mental setting. We take joy, consciously or unconsciously, in beating ourselves up or bringing ourselves down. It appears that we too often have an inward dislike for the great and unique physical entity we present.

We tell ourselves that we do not deserve this reward/honor; or, we cannot achieve a particular goal. We dwell on the opportunities we have lost in past years and say that it is too late to make a difference now. We become so entrenched in mediocrity that we cannot see the “forest for the trees.” Instead of placing focus on giving opportunities a try,... Click Here to Read More 

Energy Leadership
The Gift of Negative Emotions

Energy Leadership

Last month we talked about paying attention to your feelings and your emotions, and about trying to figure out what message your emotions hold for you instead of merely reacting to them. This month, let’s take a closer look at some emotions that most people think of as undesirable, and see what they are perhaps trying to tell you.

There are four core “negative” emotions – fear, anger, guilt, and sadness/grief. Most of the time, these emotions don’t make us feel very good.  Some people react by burying and denying the negative emotion, some lash out at others, some withdraw into themselves – in any case, for most people, this type of emotion is something they try to avoid

Becoming aware of these emotions is an essential part of learning to respond, not react, to them. It is helpful to think of these emotions as being signals for you, blinking yellow lights telling you to slow down and figure out the message that they’re sending you. 

All of these so called “negative” emotions are a sign to make an adjustment – if you just remember that,... Click Here to Read More

Special Offers

 90 Day Sales Plan

 For More Information... Click Here

The Energy Leadership™ Assessment

Leadership is more than a title or position. It is a way of life. By choice or default, everyone leads.

How often do you feel you are leading 
your life or career with intention?

How do you know that you are having an 
impactful influence in your role of leadership? 

How do you feel those you lead or those 
you interact with view you as a leader? 

How would you benefit should you be able to 
clearly know the answers to the questions? 

There is a very unique form of leadership known as Energy Leadership that helps you interrupt your leadership presence and better use your 7 distinct levels of energy for more effective results.

The Energy Leadership™ Assessment will provide the insight for you to discover the avenues to increase in financial success; leadership ability; greater engagement and excitement in your career; increase in productivity; improvement in time management; and, greater satisfaction in work-life balance. This one of a kind assessment and debrief is normally $499. 

For a limited time, I am offering this 
to my mailing list for ONLY $99.

For more information, please email me. 
Biz Bits

The 4% Rule

How To Respond To Negative Feedback

Think For Success

Teaching Employees To Think For Themselves

Learned From Sales

From the BLOG
 Here are some recent posts from the Thoughts to Think BIG Blog...

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The Ability to Think Big!


Unlock Your Treasure Chest

Advice Can Make a Difference

Heck with the Torpedoes, Full Speed Ahead



Herman Dixon
Think BIG! Coaching & Training, Inc.

Herman Dixon
Author, Speaker, Executive Advisor
P. (304) 839-510

Author of the forthcoming book,

Principles of Life and Leadership My Cat Taught Me
