Think BIG
November 2016

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Business Moment:  Sometimes You Need a Crowbar

There once was an old farmer who for many years had plowed around a large rock in his field. He had broken many garden tools including a cultivator and two plowshares from hitting this rock. Each time he came close, he begin to worry about how much cropland he was losing around it and the damage it had done to his equipment.

Finally he decided he had enough and set out to dig up the rock and be done with it. Putting a large crowbar under one side, he found to his surprise that the rock which had caused so much dismay was less than a foot thick. Soon he had it in his wagon and was carting it away. He chuckled to himself how this so called “big” rock had caused him so many needless problems.

In life and business, not every problem you face is as easily removed as the farmer’s “big” rock. Well known political writer Cullen Hightower perhaps said it best, “Merely ignoring a problem will not make it go away…nor will merely recognizing it.” Sometimes, you have to get out your own “crowbar” and use your leverage to remove the troubling stones that challenge you. Remember, every problem has within itself its own solution.

Feature Article: Why Whine When You Can Win!

At the end of each year there are always celebrations and unfortunately regrets. Celebrations about accomplishments and other good fortune and regrets too often about what could have been. How would it feel if you could lessen or virtually eliminate regrets and enhance accomplishments? It is possible and you can do it. The key is to have a viable plan that begins with a thorough evaluation of yourself, your team, your business and your potential.

The manner in which you do this can vary; but, here are 10 good evaluation questions to help you in the process, as well as 3 additional questions that should help you broaden your analysis even more.. Remember, be honest in your analysis and also after you have completed the process, consider allowing those who are part of your team, either professionally or personally, to add their thoughts. The result just may point you in a winning direction.

Think through the questions. Be sure you understand what is being asked and what will be demanded. Only honest self appraisal will enable you to gain the answers and produce the results you desire.

1)  What specific steps have you taken to develop a credible and viable business plan for the New Year that is focused on current and future opportunities?

2)  What are 3 “musts” for the New Year? Click here to read more...

Energy Leadership: What Kind of Leader Do You Want to Be?

Energy Leadership

Leadership has been defined as the ability to inspire and motivate others, as well as yourself, to take life-changing action to create extraordinary results that last.

According to this definition, each and every one of us is a leader. How well you lead depends on your level of consciousness, or energy. Higher levels of anabolic energy are associated with more effective leadership. Anabolic energy is building energy, and whether in the workplace or at home, great leaders build relationships, teams, families, and businesses. Catabolic energy, on the other hand, is destructive, and catabolic leaders destroy and break down everything around them.

In the next few issues of this newsletter, I’ll take a look at the characteristics of anabolic and catabolic leaders to show you how you can become the leader that you want to be.

Let’s look first at the overall style of the catabolic leader. A catabolic leader manages. The definition of “manage” is “to handle, direct, govern, or control in action or use,” and “to dominate or influence.” Catabolic leaders control others. They tell others what to do, and how to do it. The catabolic leader, in keeping control... Click Here to Read More

Special Offers

The One Page Business Plan®
A No-Nonsense Process for those SERIOUS
About Achieving MAXIMUM Growth.

Ask yourself these questions,

“Is your business plan just another 'pound of paper' or will it REALLY enable you to produce the growth you desire?”

“Is your business plan easily understood and clear on such vitals as your mission, objectives and action plans?”

“Does it allow you to truly drive results?” 

If you can not answer an emphatic YES to all these questions and back that YES up with proven results, perhaps it is time to stop misleading yourself and focus on a process that works.
The One Page Business Plan® is a proven innovative approach that among its many values will help you:

  • Align strategy, people and resources without complexity.
  • Focus people and resources on achieving strategic priorities and critical objectives.
  • Keep your plan clear and concise and enable the planning process to better align you to improve execution and drive results.

Why not rethink and refocus your planning process and gain the results you REALLY need without the stress of having to always “catch up” on shortfalls in goals?  
Contact me via email: or
Via phone: 304-839-5101 for a more detailed look at how the One Page Business Plan® will enable you to actually grow your business results in the manner you desire.

The Energy Leadership™ Assessment

Leadership is more than a title or position. It is a way of life. By choice or default, everyone leads.

How often do you feel you are leading 
your life or career with intention?

How do you know that you are having an 
impactful influence in your role of leadership? 

How do you feel those you lead or those 
you interact with view you as a leader? 

How would you benefit should you be able to 
clearly know the answers to the questions? 

There is a very unique form of leadership known as Energy Leadership that helps you interrupt your leadership presence and better use your 7 distinct levels of energy for more effective results.

The Energy Leadership™ Assessment will provide the insight for you to discover the avenues to increase in financial success; leadership ability; greater engagement and excitement in your career; increase in productivity; improvement in time management; and, greater satisfaction in work-life balance. This one of a kind assessment and debrief is normally $499. 

For a limited time, I am offering this 
to my mailing list for ONLY $147.

For more information, please email me. 
Biz Bits

Great Retirement Stats

Communication Matters

Firm Up Your Career

Dealing With Tough Questions

From the BLOG
 Here are some recent posts from the Thoughts to Think BIG Blog...

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What Goes Up Can Come Down

It Takes Grit!

The Ability to Think Big!




Herman Dixon
Think BIG! Coaching & Training, Inc.

Herman Dixon
Author, Speaker, Executive Advisor
P. (304) 839-510

Author of the forthcoming book,

Principles of Life and Leadership My Cat Taught Me
