Think BIG
May 2017

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Business Moment: Achievement

The story is told about Calvin Coolidge, the thirtieth President of the United States, after he issued his famous, “I do not choose to run” statement. He was overwhelmed by reporters who asked question after question seeking more details concerning his decision. One very persistent reporter refused to leave his direct line of questioning and demanded to know why Coolidge did not want to be President again.

Frustrated by the bombardment, Calvin Coolidge looked the demanding reporter in the eye and said, “Because there is no room for advancement.”

Although very funny and true in his statement, one can make a very serious conclusion. You must never allow the anticipation of achievement to outweigh the realization of it. President Coolidge didn’t allow the grandeur of his office to shade his perspective on other valuable achievements. He realized that being President was the ultimate in politics, but there is life that exists outside of that world. As noted paint executive E.T. Trigg once said, “The man who has accomplished all that he thinks worthwhile has begun to die.”

Feature Article: “Don’t Let It Be A Cat-Kicking World”

There is an old story of a business owner who observed less than committed service among his employees. He called a meeting and attempted to provide the inspirational leadership necessary to rekindle a vital spirit of team work and enthusiasm. He promised to lead the way by setting the example.

The story goes on to point out how he was given a ticket for speeding as he was racing back to his business after a very long lunch break and thus fell short of his earlier commitment to his employees. As he entered the business, he knew that everyone was observing his lateness, and he called very loudly for his sales manager to come immediately to his office. Upon entering, the poor sales manager was lambasted for losing a big account. Even though he provided some explanation, the business owner threatened to fire him if he did not replace the lost sale. The sales manager left dejected and upset, and he cast his anger upon his secretary who after suffering the fate, cast her anger upon the switchboard operator.

Now the poor switchboard operator was the end of the responsibility chair with no one to cast her disappointment upon, until she got home. There she cast her despair upon her son who had torn some school clothes while trying to do something for his mom. However,...Click here to read more...

Energy Leadership Article: “Only You Can Prevent Company Fires”

Energy Leadership

The comparison between anabolic and catabolic leaders continues with a look at how each type of leader approaches their everyday circumstances. 

Catabolic leaders work in crisis mode. They put out fires, and deal with issues as they arise. This reactivity leads to stress, lack of focus, and a non-productive, frenzied type of atmosphere. They don’t think much about where they’re headed, and even if they do, the “big picture” gets lost in the demands of the moment.

Anabolic leaders, on the other hand, plan ahead. They know exactly what they want to achieve, and have a plan to get there. Not only do they have a plan (and, as discussed in previous months, share it with others, while participating in the team effort themselves), but they hold the others involved in the plan accountable for doing what they said they will do.

Let’s take a closer look at those two components of anabolic leadership – having a plan, and holding the people involved in executing it accountable.

It’s often said that “if you don’t know where you’re going, any road will take you there.” The first step in having a plan is creating the vision of where you want to go. That vision is the ideal – but it’s vitally important to realize that getting from where you are to where you want to go may not be possible overnight – to get there, you need a roadmap, a plan of action.... Click Here to Read More 

Special Offers

The One Page Business Plan®
A No-Nonsense Process for those SERIOUS

About Achieving MAXIMUM Growth.

Ask yourself these questions,

“Is your business plan just another 'pound of paper' or will it REALLY enable you to produce the growth you desire?”

“Is your business plan easily understood and clear on such vitals as your mission, objectives and action plans?”

“Does it allow you to truly drive results?” 

If you can not answer an emphatic YES to all these questions and back that YES up with proven results, perhaps it is time to stop misleading yourself and focus on a process that works.
The One Page Business Plan® is a proven innovative approach that among its many values will help you:

  • Align strategy, people and resources without complexity.
  • Focus people and resources on achieving strategic priorities and critical objectives.
  • Keep your plan clear and concise and enable the planning process to better align you to improve execution and drive results.

Why not rethink and refocus your planning process and gain the results you REALLY need without the stress of having to always “catch up” on shortfalls in goals?  
Contact me via email: or
Via phone: 304-839-5101 for a more detailed look at how the One Page Business Plan® will enable you to actually grow your business results in the manner you desire.

Biz Bits

Connecting With Customers

Sales Process Matters

Sidestep Stress

On Leadership

You and Your Business

From the BLOG
 Here are some recent posts from the Thoughts to Think BIG Blog...

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Launching Your New Year Succesfully


A Milky Attitude

Getting "It" Back

You Can Make It Happen



Herman Dixon
Think BIG! Coaching & Training, Inc.

Herman Dixon
Author, Speaker, Executive Advisor
P. (304) 839-510

Author of the forthcoming book,

Principles of Life and Leadership My Cat Taught Me
