Think BIG
June 2015

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Special Offer

Special Offer

 For more information, CLICK HERE.

Feature Article
Even On Auto Pilot, Adjustments Must Be Made

Business today is very competitive. It demands constant attention in virtually every aspect from cash flow to business decor. It seems that each day brings greater demands; but, you are doing OK. Your business is growing. You are making money. You virtually have your operation on auto pilot. What is there to worry about? If you continue doing the things that have gotten you to where you are today, you should be OK. Those thoughts may have some value, but is there anything you are overlooking?

Today’s business professional is not unlike professionals of past years. You try to offer a valued product or service at a reasonable price or fee and strive to have growth in customers or clients along the way. A pretty simple process that can bring positive results. However, just when you think that all is well, someone pulls the plug and down the drain goes months and years of hard dedicated work. Even when you are on auto pilot, there has to be adjustments made to keep you on course.

Here are a few ongoing adjustments that you should keep in your forefront so that you are controlling your business versus having it control you: Click here to read more

Energy Leadership
Seeing The True Human Resource

Energy Leadership

We hear the term Human Resources a lot, and HR departments are found at companies large and small. But have you ever stopped to really consider what the term actually means?

William R. Tracey, in The Human Resources Glossary, defines Human Resources as: "The people that staff and operate an organization.” states that it is the “scarcest and most crucial productive resource that creates the largest and longest lasting advantage for an organization. It resides in the knowledge, skills, and motivation of people…”

For the past several issues, we’ve been looking at the differences between catabolic and anabolic leaders. This month we’ll discuss a key distinction in how the two types of leaders treat and think about their human resources – the people that work for and with them.

Catabolic leaders take advantage of the people around them. A catabolic leader looks at the people around him and only considers what the others can do for him and for the organization. Employees are like pawns in a game that the catabolic leader controls, and neither their feelings nor needs are considered. The catabolic leader rarely, if ever, gives credit to anyone else, since he believes that when employees work for him, he owns them and all of their accomplishments. Likely to be bossy and condescending, the catabolic leader puts himself first, always having to be right and feel superior. And so, it shouldn’t be surprising that most catabolic leaders are met with exactly what they expect: employees that present problems. Click here to read more...

Program Offerings

The Energy Leadership™ Assessment

Leadership is more than a title or position. It is a way of life. By choice or default, everyone leads.

How often do you feel you are leading
your life or career with intention?

How do you know that you are having an
impactful influence in your role of leadership? 

How do you feel those you lead or those
you interact with view you as a leader? 

How would you benefit should you be able to
clearly know the answers to the questions? 

There is a very unique form of leadership known as Energy Leadership that helps you interrupt your leadership presence and better use your 7 distinct levels of energy for more effective results.

Are you Catabolic or Anabolic?

The Energy Leadership™ Assessment will provide the insight for you to discover the avenues to increase in financial success; leadership ability; greater engagement and excitement in your career; increase in productivity; improvement in time management; and, greater satisfaction in work-life balance. This one of a kind assessment and debrief is normally $499. 

FINAL OFFER at this rate!

 ONLY $99
until the end of June

For more information, email me. 

Biz Bits

Making Time To Sell

The Care And Keeping of Interns

Get Fired Up On Leadership

Learning From Athletes

Don’t Simply Hire Smart People, Hire Smart Learners

12 Commandments For Closing A Sale



Herman Dixon
Think BIG! Coaching & Training, Inc.

Herman Dixon
Author, Speaker, Executive Advisor
P. (304) 839-510

Author of the forthcoming book,

Principles of Life and Leadership My Cat Taught Me
