Think BIG
July 2015

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Special Offer

Special Offer

 For more information, CLICK HERE.

Feature Article
You are Responsible for You

Once upon a time there was a seemingly successful business executive who was responsible for a large corporation division. This executive worked very hard to make the division a leader within the corporate hierarchy. All seemed right in the executive’s world. The division was moving along and most goals were being reached. However, the reality of the matter was quite different.

The business executive was working so many hours that it was virtually impossible to have any quality personal life. It wasn’t uncommon for this executive to gobble down food after reaching home and then either rush back to the office to complete work or to retire to a quiet area and read email until late hours. Unfortunately, each day produced more and more business “land mines”, which the executive felt compelled to personally handle. It became a reality of being pulled from one “land mine” to another. The executive’s people and even others outside the division were shifting many decisions and unnecessary actions to the executive’s attention either to address or to refer to the proper personnel due to the reputation which was built that this individual was the sole “go to person”. With all this extra work the “To Do” list was increasing not decreasing. What was this executive to do? The beautiful world was becoming a “thorny patch” of wasteland. Stressed to the point of exhaustion and feeling victimized, the executive finally collapsed under the weight of a world that had been unfortunately self-created.

Does this story sound somewhat familiar? Hopefully this does not reflect your experience, but if it does please take note: There is hope! Yes, hope in the form of... Click here to read more

Energy Leadership
Handling What Life Throws Your Way

Energy Leadership

Change is inevitable – after all, nothing really stays the same.  But in today’s challenging times, it seems like we’re on “uncertainty” overload, never knowing what will happen from one moment to the next. Here today, gone tomorrow – or, at the least, very different tomorrow.  

Uncertainty bring stress and confusion, and while most of us would be quick to say that we want less stress and more certainty in our lives, what we really want is less of a stress reaction to what life is throwing our way.  

We can’t choose what happens to us – but we can choose our responses to the situations we encounter.  Let’s take a look at five different responses that people have to stressful situations. As you read through these five responses, you may want to think of a recent stressful event or news that you may have received, and see what your reaction to that event can teach you about how you habitually respond.  You may have one type of response at work, and another at home, or you may react differently depending on who else is involved.    

The first, and unfortunately all too common response to stressful events is to suffer and be a victim to it. People who respond this way don’t take action. Things happen TO them – and though they may complain and be generally miserable about it, they don’t take any steps to do anything. They allow life to control them, instead of the other way around. This way of responding is certainly not recommended, and eventually, it will take its toll on one’s physical and mental health.

The second type of response is... Click here to read more

Free Tool

How is Your Leadership Wheel Rolling?

Try this exercise for a quick visual to help you answer this question.  

CLICK HERE to download the Leadership Wheel exercise.

Score yourself from 1-10 in 8 areas of life, such as emotional intelligence, high energy relationships, productivity, time management, and then draw your wheel. Is the wheel fit to get you where you are going?

If your Leadership Wheel seems out of line, perhaps we need to talk.

Contact me by
Phone: 304-839-5101

It could change your career and life for the better.

Biz Bits

Bonuses Make a Difference

How To Gain Better Focus At Work

Likable Leadership Traits

An App For Your Auto Service Needs

Safeguarding Retirement



Herman Dixon
Think BIG! Coaching & Training, Inc.

Herman Dixon
Author, Speaker, Executive Advisor
P. (304) 839-510

Author of the forthcoming book,

Principles of Life and Leadership My Cat Taught Me
