Think BIG
January 2017

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Business Moment: Perseverance

Perseverance is a valuable quality for anyone desiring to reach some level of success in life or business. It is that quality which demands that one never give up hope. As the legendary John D. Rockefeller once said, “I do not think there is any other quality so essential to success of any kind as the quality of perseverance. It overcomes almost everything, even nature.”

Beginning the New Year is a time of promises made but too often not followed for very long. Thus, success does not appear in as many business settings or homes as possible.  It is much like the famed story of the high school basketball coach who was attempting to motivate his players to stay the course through a very challenging season. At mid-court, he stood before the team during a meeting and asked, “Did Michael Jordan ever quit?”  The team responded, “No coach!” “How about Bill Gates, Peyton Manning, or even the Wright brothers? Did they ever give up?”  “No coach they didn’t,” came the reply. “And how about Eric Steele?” After some silence, one player boldly asked, “Who is Eric Steele? I don’t think we have heard of him.” The coach snapped back, “Of course you have never heard of him…he gave up!”

 As you set your goals and launch into a new year of opportunity, allow perseverance to be your guide to greater success. Utilize its power to help you develop a toughness of mind and spirit to face the reality that success is not easy. Therefore, grow the will to stay the course and keep pecking away at the task. This will enable you to overcome the odds and accomplish virtually anything you desire.

Feature Article: Launching Your New Year Successfully

Good intentions are one of the most sought after commodities in existence. It seems that as every new year begins, virtually everyone finds a way to acquire varying degrees of this powerful item. However, as time progresses, it becomes evident that this prized commodity becomes less valued or, at least, is not put into a fully activated status. Thus, fewer “golden rings” are achieved by the new year’s end. What causes this shortfall? Could it be that the quality of the commodity is less than satisfactory, or is it a lack of understanding as to how to properly put the good intentions to work? Whatever may cause the end result to be less than its initial intent, there are three specific acts that, when followed, will guarantee that the road you are traveling will most often lead you to the success you seek to achieve. Those acts focus on planning, people and development.

First, you must have a fully operational action-driven business plan. Fully operational action-driven business plans address the following five questions:

  1. What are you actually building? 
  2. For what specific reason does your business exist?
  3. What are the critical results that you must measure?
  4. What must you do to build or grow your business?
  5. What is the actual work to be done so that you can experience success?

The well-known axiom of "people never planning to fail only failing to plan" is true. Most often, too many organizations and individuals do not devote the time to planning that is truly necessary for ongoing growth and lasting success. There is a feeling that a few common goals simply written down, is good enough... Click Here to Read More

How Open Are You…Really?

Energy Leadership

In our exploration of the characteristics of anabolic and catabolic leaders, so far we’ve determined that anabolic leaders “lead” and “participate,” while catabolic leaders “manage” and “delegate.” This month, let’s look at another aspect of leadership - how information is passed along to others – to further see the difference between the two types of leaders.

In any type of leadership role – whether as a CEO of a Fortune 500 company, or as a parent, imparting information to others is an integral and essential part of leading. Catabolic leaders give information, while anabolic leaders share information. 

“Giving” means to convey, transmit, assign, or allot. When we give to others, we no longer have ownership of what we give. “Sharing,” on the other hand, means to partake of, use, or experience with others. When we share, we’re still part of the process – we’re “in it” with the other person. It’s similar to the difference between catabolic delegating and anabolic participating.

When a catabolic leader gives information to others, they do so without much explanation, and with little buy-in or justification… Click Here to Read More 

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Biz Bits

Successful Steps for 2017

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The Value of 5 Minutes

The Customer Experience

Dealing With Change

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A Milky Attitude

Getting "It" Back

You Can Make It Happen



Herman Dixon
Think BIG! Coaching & Training, Inc.

Herman Dixon
Author, Speaker, Executive Advisor
P. (304) 839-510

Author of the forthcoming book,

Principles of Life and Leadership My Cat Taught Me
