Think BIG
February 2015

Special Offer

What enables leaders to be great?

What enables great leaders to better manage stress,
create sound work-life balance and
more fully enjoy their career and their lives? 

Which personality trait is most important to inspire others to act?  

Which style of leadership will enable you to be most successful?

Join is next week, February 20th, for the 1st session of the Think BIG! Book Club. We will answer these questions in our discussions about our first featured book, Energy Leadership by Bruce D Schneider.

The Think BIG! Book Club is an ongoing study of various business and key issue books that enables the participant to more effectively meet current needs and gain expertise in areas of interest. 

Energy Leadership

The registration cost of $49 for this first series, includes a minimum of 3 -60 minute review calls with other club members; the book "Energy Leadership"; plus study questions, key forms and other related materials to make the learning experience vital and also fun.

Click here to Register!


Feature Article
Hit the Target with Target Marketing

Target Market

While mass marketing allows for products and services to be introduced to a general market, a target market directs those same products and services to a specific market group. These prospects have common needs and characteristics that make them standout from the general population. The challenge comes in pinpointing this particular grouping of qualified prospects.

If you have ever moved into a new area, you have experienced the challenge in finding a new doctor, dentist, places to shop, eat, a new dry cleaners as well as places and events pertinent to your need in your new hometown. The longer you remain in the area though, the more you begin to find your way until you reach a point of somewhat saturation and ease as you move about without hesitation. Target marketing is similar... Click here to read more

Energy Leadership
Only YOU Can Prevent Company Fires

Energy Leadership

The comparison between anabolic and catabolic leaders continues with a look at how each type of leader approaches their everyday circumstances.  

Catabolic leaders work in crisis mode. They put out fires, and deal with issues as they arise. This reactivity leads to stress, lack of focus, and a non-productive, frenzied type of atmosphere. They don’t think much about where they’re headed, and even if they do, the “big picture” gets lost in the demands of the moment. 

Anabolic leaders, on the other hand, plan ahead. They know exactly what they want to achieve, and have a plan to get there. Not only do they have a plan (and, as discussed in previous months, share it with others, while participating in the team effort themselves), but they hold the others involved in the plan accountable for doing what they said they will do.

Click here to read more

Program Offerings

Energy Leadership Development Program

The Law of Being

What do you feel it takes to become a dynamic, motivational leader? What would be the impact on your business, career or personal life when you achieve this? The Energy Leadership Development Program enables you to know where you are in this process and then access and address the issues standing in your way of success. This program will allow you to explore the 8 Building Blocks of the Energetic Leader: Emotional Intelligence; Dynamic Communication; Influencing and Engaging Others; Problem Solving; Productivity and Decision Making; High Energy Relationships; Health and Wellness; and, Time Management and Balance. 

The result of being involved in this program: more production, less effort and more fulfillment.  

This is a 16-week program designed to help you tap into your unlimited potential. It shows you how to get more of what you want out of life by teaching you how to manifest what you want, and helping you raise your consciousness. There are many personal development programs out there, but this one is unique, as it teaches you how to change who you are at your core, and provides you support as you do so. Each week, you’ll be listening to one of the CDs in the program, as well as completing exercises in the workbook and doing other assignments that are mutually decided as beneficial for you. A journal is included in your Law of Being kit; you may use this to record your thoughts and/or write down how you did on the “this week” activities that are found throughout the workbook.

Completing this program will help you unlock your unlimited potential and build the new YOU that enables your life and career to gain more balance and meaning.

For more information, email me.

Biz Bits

Valuable Insight for Business Success 

Manage Your Sales Effectiveness

Leadership Tips from the Ancient Romans

Recruiting Tips for the Small Business  



Herman Dixon
Think BIG! Coaching & Training, Inc.

Herman Dixon
Author, Speaker, Executive Advisor
P. (304) 839-510

Author of the forthcoming book, Principles of Life and Leadership My Cat Taught Me
