Think BIG
August 2015

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Quotes to Share

“Successful salesmanship is 90% preparation and 10% presentation.” 
—Bertrand R. Canfield

“A prudent question is one-half of wisdom.”  —Francis Bacon

“A laugh is worth a hundred groans in any market.”  —Charles Lamb

“Success usually comes to those who are too busy to be looking for it.”  
—Henry David Thoreau

Feature Article
Step Away from Worry

Noted management consultant Dr. Wolfe Rinke once developed an eight step process for getting rid of worries. Worries are the things that too often cause undue stress and adversely impact your personal health. The critical reality is that worries are often not as impactful to reality as your mind tends to have you believe. Now, this does not mean that you should forever shun your worries; but, it does imply that you need to investigate whether or not the worries you feel you have are in deed factual and relative. 

Here are some facts about worries that helps put things into perspective:

  1. 40% of the time you worry about things that will never happen.
  2. 30% of the time you worry about things that have already happened and you can’t change what has happened.
  3. 12% of the time you spend on needless worries about your health.
  4. 10%  of the time you focus on petty miscellaneous issues.
  5. 8% of the time, you have real worries; but, 50% of those worries you can impact and 50% you can’t impact.

So, in the bigger picture, what are you accomplishing in your worries? Dr. Rinke’s steps in getting rid of worries are as follows:

Click here to read more

Energy Leadership
Understanding Emotions

Energy Leadership

"We have thoughts, feelings and emotions, but we are not our thoughts, feelings or emotions.”  

 Frances Vaughn

Several issues ago we discussed the fact that anabolic leaders are aware of their own and others’ emotions, and are able to step back and recognize that their emotions are not automatic. Let’s take a closer look at emotions.

First, let’s clear up a common misperception. The words “feelings” and “emotions” are not interchangeable, although most people use them that way. Feelings are physical – for example, a pit in your stomach, tightness in your throat, or simply a sensation of warmth. Emotions are actually just responses to those feelings.

Emotions FEEL good or bad, but in reality, they are…  Click here to read more

Free Tool

How is Your Leadership Wheel Rolling?

Try this exercise for a quick visual to help you answer this question.  

CLICK HERE to download the Leadership Wheel exercise.

Score yourself from 1-10 in 8 areas of life, such as emotional intelligence, high energy relationships, productivity, time management, and then draw your wheel. Is the wheel fit to get you where you are going?

If your Leadership Wheel seems out of line, perhaps we need to talk.

Contact me by
Phone: 304-839-5101

It could change your career and life for the better.

Biz Bits

How To Boss Yourself 

Persuading Others

Communicate To Your Team

Insecurity and Leadership

Making Inbound Calls Count

 Here are some recent posts from the Thoughts to Think BIG Blog...

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Unlock Your Treasure Chest

Advice Can Make a Difference

Heck with the Torpedoes, Full Speed Ahead

No Scorpion Lifestyle 



Herman Dixon
Think BIG! Coaching & Training, Inc.

Herman Dixon
Author, Speaker, Executive Advisor
P. (304) 839-510

Author of the forthcoming book,

Principles of Life and Leadership My Cat Taught Me
