Think BIG
April 2017

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Business Moment: Go for the Whole Treasure

There is a story told about Mel Fisher who was a treasure hunter. He searched for his pot of gold at the end of the rainbow and found it on the ocean floor. It was an ocean floor covered with gold coins, and Mel felt there was more. He then spent the next 16 years looking for the Nuestra Señora de Atocha. 

One day his dream became a reality. His divers salvaged millions of dollars’ worth of treasures from the sunken ship. However, there was a price to be paid. They had worked very hard with metal detectors, suffering from the adversities of their trade as they dove time and time again to investigate every ping. Finally, after exhaustion nearly conquered them, their dreams became reality. The original find was only the tip of a treasure that made Mel Fisher a multi-millionaire.

You should never shortchange your potential. Just like Mel, you have dreams of what can be, but beware of achieving only part of your dream. Potential is an unlimited source of energy left for you to discover. Why settle for the least when the bounty is yet possible?

Feature Article: Piggy-Backing Can Be Dangerous

The story was told of a scorpion who was a poor swimmer that needed to cross a river. He saw a turtle and asked if he might ride on his shell to the other side. The turtle replied, “Are you mad? You’ll sting me while I’m swimming, and I’ll drown if you do.” The scorpion laughed and replied to the turtle, “My dear turtle, if I were to sting you, you would indeed drown, but I would go down with you. Now, where is the logic in that?”

The turtle paused as he thought about the response and then replied, “You’re right!” He then told the scorpion to hop on. The scorpion climbed aboard, and they began the journey. Halfway across the river, the scorpion rose up and gave the turtle a fatal sting. As they both began to sink to the bottom of the river, the turtle asked, “Do you mind if I ask you something?”  The scorpion replied, “No, go ahead.”  The turtle then remarked, “You said there would be no logic in your stinging me since we would both die. Why did you do it?”  “It has nothing to do with logic,” the drowning scorpion sadly replied. “It’s just my character.”

Virtually every day there are issues that arise involving character...Click here to read more...

Energy Leadership Article: How Am I Doing?

Energy Leadership

This month, part 4 of the discussion of the characteristics of anabolic and catabolic leaders focuses on how (and if) leaders assess themselves, and examine how their actions and attitudes affect their results, as well as impact the people around them.

Catabolic leaders operate in their own little worlds. They do what they do, and they rarely, if ever, stop to think about the consequences of what they are doing (and how they are doing it). If catabolic leaders do assess, they self-assess – that is, they don’t ask for input from people around them, because they fear that in doing so they may appear weak. In addition, catabolic leaders know that they are right, and others are wrong (or incompetent, or lazy) – so why would they ask for others’ feedback?

Anabolic leaders on the other hand, are always working “on themselves.” Not only are they willing to take hard looks at themselves, but they also solicit, and consider, feedback from others, as they know this information is crucial if they are to continue to grow and develop.

Let’s consider Catabolic Curt and Anabolic Amy, two leaders in the same company... Click Here to Read More 

Special Offers

The One Page Business Plan®
A No-Nonsense Process for those SERIOUS

About Achieving MAXIMUM Growth.

Ask yourself these questions,

“Is your business plan just another 'pound of paper' or will it REALLY enable you to produce the growth you desire?”

“Is your business plan easily understood and clear on such vitals as your mission, objectives and action plans?”

“Does it allow you to truly drive results?” 

If you can not answer an emphatic YES to all these questions and back that YES up with proven results, perhaps it is time to stop misleading yourself and focus on a process that works.
The One Page Business Plan® is a proven innovative approach that among its many values will help you:

  • Align strategy, people and resources without complexity.
  • Focus people and resources on achieving strategic priorities and critical objectives.
  • Keep your plan clear and concise and enable the planning process to better align you to improve execution and drive results.

Why not rethink and refocus your planning process and gain the results you REALLY need without the stress of having to always “catch up” on shortfalls in goals?  
Contact me via email: or
Via phone: 304-839-5101 for a more detailed look at how the One Page Business Plan® will enable you to actually grow your business results in the manner you desire.

Biz Bits

Great Questions To Help With Retirement

Overcoming Mistakes

Lead Helpers

Bring In More Customers

Respond Don’t React

From the BLOG
 Here are some recent posts from the Thoughts to Think BIG Blog...

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Launching Your New Year Succesfully


A Milky Attitude

Getting "It" Back

You Can Make It Happen



Herman Dixon
Think BIG! Coaching & Training, Inc.

Herman Dixon
Author, Speaker, Executive Advisor
P. (304) 839-510

Author of the forthcoming book,

Principles of Life and Leadership My Cat Taught Me
