Think BIG
April 2016

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Business Moment:  Customer Service

The average business will hear nothing from 96% of unhappy customers who receive rude or discourteous treatment. 90% of customers who are dissatisfied with the service they receive will not come back to buy again. To make issues worse, each of the unhappy customers tells no fewer than 9 other people about the experience and 13% of the unhappy convey their stories to more than 20 other people.

Other research shows that for every complaint received, the average business has at least 26 customers with problems and 6 of those are very serious in nature. The problem is that only 4% of unhappy customers bother to complain. For every complaint heard, 24 others go unheard by the business but as noted earlier, not to prospective customers.

Of those who do register a complaint, between 50% and 70% will do business again with the business if the complaint is satisfied. That result climbs to 95% if the customer feels that the complaint was solved quickly.

68% of customers who leave a business do so because of indifference. It takes 12 positive incidents to make up for one negative incident in the eyes of customers. 

Those stats point out that what you do or fail to do will have a lasting impact on how others view your business and you. Therefore, deliver top of the table customer service. Run toward complaints not away from them. Hold regular review with customers to find out what is really working and what needs to be changed. Customers want to be appreciated. They want to know that they are important to your business success. As noted business pioneer Thomas Watson, Sr. once said, “Don’t worry about profits, worry about service.”

Feature Article:  7 Habits

Habits have a way of impacting your life. Perform a task for at least 28 consecutive days, and you very well might have a habit. Habits can be negative in one sense because you might get into a routine that prevents your best performance. They can be positive when you do things that bring out the very best of your efforts. The decision you must make is which type of habit you desire to pursue.

In business, success most often comes as a result of adopting positive habits. Here are 7 positive habits which, when enacted and followed for at least 28 consecutive days, can provide the foundation for a life change and higher success levels.

Habit #1: Begin each day and week with the 2 or 3 critical musts to be accomplished. Numerous trial and error actions clearly show that most often there are only 2 to 3 critical musts for a day or a week. Placing your focus on understanding what those musts are will allow you to direct your activities in the most efficient manner... Click Here to Read More

Energy Leadership: Mastering Your Life

Energy Leadership

In the last newsletter, I discussed Self-Mastery and how by resonating at a high frequency of energy, you attract what you want into your life with little or no effort. 

What holds you back from living the life you desire? Some people attribute the lack of having what they want to fate that their lives are somehow meant to be the way they are. Many people don't like the concept of fate, however, because it negates free will. But what if neither the traditional concept of fate, nor free will, really existed for most people? An unusual concept called self-fate helps explain why so many of us don't have what we really want.

Self-fate is the idea that because your past is dominating your thought processes, and because most people are not consciously living in the moment, your past actually creates your future. Because you are making choices based on your past experiences, you cannot change your future unless the control of the past is removed, and you choose in the now. So self-fate really means that for most of us, fate does exist, and we do not have free will. It is you who creates your fate because you are imprisoned by the past. You have pre-determined choices that you are programmed to make, and your past does the programming...Click Here to Read More

Special Offers

The One Page Business Plan®
A No-Nonsense Process for those SERIOUS
About Achieving MAXIMUM Growth.

Ask yourself these questions,

“Is your business plan just another 'pound of paper' or will it REALLY enable you to produce the growth you desire?”

“Is your business plan easily understood and clear on such vitals as your mission, objectives and action plans?”

“Does it allow you to truly drive results?” 

If you can not answer an emphatic YES to all these questions and back that YES up with proven results, perhaps it is time to stop misleading yourself and focus on a process that works.
The One Page Business Plan® is a proven innovative approach that among its many values will help you:

  • Align strategy, people and resources without complexity.
  • Focus people and resources on achieving strategic priorities and critical objectives.
  • Keep your plan clear and concise and enable the planning process to better align you to improve execution and drive results.

Why not rethink and refocus your planning process and gain the results you REALLY need without the stress of having to always “catch up” on shortfalls in goals?  
Contact me via email: or
Via phone: 304-839-5101 for a more detailed look at how the One Page Business Plan® will enable you to actually grow your business results in the manner you desire.

Biz Bits

Overcoming Sales Productivity Pitfalls

Gut Instincts

Streamlining Sales

Being A People Person

Asking The Right Questions

From the BLOG
Here are some recent posts from the Thoughts to Think BIG Blog...

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What Type of Ticket Do You Hold
Looking in the Right Places
Business Basics
The Power of Influence
Seven Keys to Building Effective Relationships


Herman Dixon
Think BIG! Coaching & Training, Inc.
Herman Dixon
Author, Speaker, Executive Advisor
P. (304) 839-5101

Author of the forthcoming book,

Principles of Life and Leadership My Cat Taught Me