Friday’s Think BIG! Success Summary

"How To Combat Complacency" 

It is a “disease” that is as deadly as alcoholism, drug addiction or gambling.  It will destroy a business, a career, a family and an individual.  The challenge with this “disease” is its silence in how it takes charge in our professional lives. Seemingly without warning or focused publicity, it consumes our being and we fall prey to its destructive clutches.  Because it is so subtle and so pleasing in its attack, we do not notice being part of its captivity until life begins to go array.  What is this deadly “disease” that provides sweet destruction?  It is the killer know as COMPLACENCY.

Tom was a successful insurance agency owner.  He had worked extremely hard and smart in building himself a very lucrative high six figure income.  He was very aggressive in his work; yet, not so aggressive that he did not remain client focused.  His process was to help his clients understand what they had in coverage and what “holes” existed in their portfolios.  He would then provide potential solutions for consideration always allowing clients and or potential clients to make the final decision on their situations.  

His value driven attitude and work personality brought referral after referral to his doorstep.  His name became a “household word” in his marketplace.  Success became a certain reality and growth came as a result.  Though cost is always a consideration in the marketplace, pricing as it related to his products was not an issue for Tom’s clients.  Because his process was so client centered and because he was continually working to provide solutions and offer options, people appreciated his dedication.  Not that clients bought each time he made contact with them, but it was his regular contact with them which seemed to matter most.

Tom’s success allowed him to provide for his family, give back to the community and to enjoy the betterment of life’s work rewards.  He began to enjoy that betterment so much that he began to take more and more time away from his work, physically and mentally.  Though he still cared, he just did not see why he should continue to work so diligently.  He had built his business and many people know him so why must he commit so much effort now?

Soon, Tom was seeing very few clients.  He relied more and more on others in his agency to do the work.  His results began to decline but his income was not so impacted because rate increases or changes in state insurance requirements kept his income flow stable.  Finally, after losing more business than he was gaining, he began to take notice blaming the economy, poor agency help, the influx of more agencies and people’s fixation on price as the reason.   

One day, a long-term client came in and caught Tom in the agency.  He engaged him in conversation which led to a move to his private office.  There the client told Tom he had decided to leave.  He appreciated Tom and always enjoyed his partnership; but, things had changed.  The client told Tom that he no longer got requests to consider updates or even letters of information about viable changes in insurance programs.  Tom had become aloof and it was clear that he felt comfortable in his apparent success.  The client concluded and conveyed that he felt Tom simply did not care any longer.  

Tom did not know what to say.  The straight forward remark by this long-term client struck him as if he had been hit by a boulder. After the client departed, he simply sat in his chair and stared aimlessly into space.  As he thought about what had happened, he began to think, “What went wrong?”  “How did I get myself into this mess?”  

Now the question becomes not how we get ourselves into this mess; but, how do we get ourselves out of the situation we find ourselves facing?  That was Tom’s mission and quite frankly virtually every business owner, manager or executive may face the same struggle.  So what can we do?  

First, keep active IN and ON your business regardless of how successful you may become.  Keeping your pulse on the business operations does not mean you can’t appreciate the success you have gained by taking time away from your business.  It simply means that you know what is going on and you are a “reality” in the effort. You understand what goals are being achieved and where the shortfalls exist.  It also means that you remain visible and active with your clients in some manner.  As the business profile proclaims, “…do those things that will make people want to do business with you.”

Second, utilize a business coach, mentor or personal board of advisors to keep you accountable to yourself.  It is easy to fool ourselves.  Self-talk works both ways:  it can motivate us to action or it can help us overlook critical shortfalls holding us back.  When we are held accountable to our own actions, we remain focused on what is truly important and we are enabled to better achieve vital goals.  Utilizing outside partners allows unbiased direction to be used so that we have no excuse for non -engagement. As all business owners, leaders or managers know, “If it is to be, it is up to me.”

Third, work from an active plan not a date changed template. A current business plan built quarterly or annually; performance checked regularly; and, communicated effectively ensures that you understand the responsibilities of your business demands. Don’t ever utilize the same plan year after year by simply changing the dates.  Realities change. Each quarter or year brings new demands on what must be done and how best to get it done/  If nothing more than forcing you to see if your actions are following your words, this planning demand keeps your “business blood” flowing and will allow your business to continue growing.

Fourth, be active in a business support, master mind or study group.  By being part of a learning process, you are in essence constantly being engaged in best business practices. Not only can you gain ideas from fellow learners which could benefit your business; but, the interaction can be infectious to your competitive spirit. Further since these groups require ALL members to contribute, you are basically “forced” to remain mentally and physically in the business arena and thus the complacency syndrome is being constantly challenged by your activity.   

Fifth, challenge your attitude.  It is so easy to allow our attitude to become less than positive.  When our attitude slips, it is easy to disregard actions we need to keep our business and ourselves properly challenged.  Instead of seeking solutions, we either publicly or privately begin praising problems and too often end up walking away from doing what we need to do because we feel there is no use in trying.  We become satisfied with the status quo and thus our life begins to unravel.  Keeping our attitude positive can work miracles and inspire our perspective.   

Finally, create fun activity and schedule rewards.  Throughout the process, it is important to be active in the “right” activities. Keeping busy with those “right” activities helps you gain proper focus.  For example, you might list certain activities that are pertinent to growing success in your business endeavors.  Things like reaching a specific sales goal or marketing your product or services to new people.  Assign points to the various activities and then set a goal  for the number of points you must achieve to satisfy your daily demands.  You might even set up several levels, all acceptable for growth, and compete against yourself each day.  When you have those areas set, assign certain rewards for each level with the top level of course getting the most viable reward.  These simply activities encourage effort and in turn will help you avoid tendencies to sit back and allow the world to come to your door.  You will be exerting effort and improving your quest for fundamental success. 

As Tom finally discovered, complacency does not have to be the end all of any career.  It only reaches its destructive power when we fail to do the little things daily that keep us engaged, enthused and committed to lasting business success.  Remember, nothing lasts forever.  Thus, any sense of euphoria that comes from our successes has to always be enjoyed with caution so that it does not cloud our mind and allow us to no longer do the things we need to insure our success. By utilizing some or all of the above six activities, even the most challenged business owner, leader or manager should be better prepared to more effectively fight the crippling disease known as complacency.  Begin now, just like Tom, and enjoy the longterm success you deserve.  


Special Offer now thru June 20th:  Are you challenged by the symptoms of complacency or just having issues with gaining the "edge" you desire in your business?  If so, this may be for you.  Until June 20th we are making this special offer for those on our mailing list.  You will receive the following :

1)  2- 45 minute breakthrough sessions

2)  Free report on Building an Effective Business Plan That Works

3) A mid-year goal analysis review 

4) Our new on-line program, Courage, Risks & Rewards which helps you overcome the hesitation to make the decisions in business and life you need to reach the ultimate goals you have set.

This is over a $1500 value, which can be yours for 3 payments of $133 or a single pay of $369.  To take advantage of this special limited time offer, reply to the link below providing your name, phone number and best email address and saying, Herman...I'm in!


For general information about Herman and how Think BIG! Coaching and Training, Inc. may be of help to you or your business, contact us by phone at 843-879-3740 or through our werbsite: