Friday’s Think BIG! Success Summary

"4 Questions That Help Maintain Critical Focus"


Stress plays a huge part in how we perform in our business roles and in our lives.  Unhealthy stress can impact the health and well-being of an individual and also influence decision making. In business, stress often comes about as a result of too many things to do in too short a timeframe; or, lack of total focus on what is really important.  So, how can the busy executive or business owner keep themselves focused on what is really important?   How can they hold themselves accountable to insure that the most important tasks always get completed first? Though not the entirety of all possibilities, there is a simple evaluation that can be done to more effectively assist in maintaining the critical focus necessary to lessen stress and reach goals.

With influence from Stephen Covey’s book, The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People, there are 4 simple questions to answer either daily or weekly that should help the success-minded business owner or leader better control his or her focus and get things done.  They are:

  1. Are the things I am doing of high value?  If no, why not?  If yes, what is being accomplished?
  2. What actions did I do which were low risk and very high return?  What actions did I do that were high risk and yet low return?
  3. What are the few things I should have done which would have resulted in greater impact toward my goals or my current demands?  What specifically held me back? 
  4. In the end result, did I find myself involved with urgent not important activities with too much focus on details; or, activities that brought about verified measurable results?  What directed my time and efforts?  What must I specifically do to eliminate or lessen the focus on not important activities? 

Dr. Paul Rosch of the American Institute of Stress once said, “Find what things you can have some control over, and come up with creative ways to take control.”  When we cannot properly take control of our lives and our work, unhealthy stress can result.   Thus the choices we make will impact how we allow unhealthy stress to affect us.  

Utilize the question process to help you maintain your focus on what is really important.  Don’t press yourself into an uncompromising situation that will only result in an unhealthy stressful outcome.  Don’t strangle yourself to the point of worry.  Relax.  Keep priorities in perspective.  Direct your efforts to “high value” activities as much as possible. Remember, in most all cases, it is always possible.  Finally, don’t give up.  It will take practice, but it is achievable. It is your choice. Choice to organize, focus and get things done.





Column descripter How important would it be for you to have a business plan that brought results to your business or area and reduces all your planning stress?  How vital to your success would it be if ALL members of your team were able to leverage their strengths to better achieve their goals and do so with less stress?  What would the value be to have an on-going process to better evaluate results and make any corrections in a timely manner?  My One Page planning process allows you to shift your focus to greater strategic growth and leadership.  Planning is upon us and why not find out how I can help you today! 

For more information about the One Page Business Plan process and how I might partner with you or your business, contact me by phone at 843-879-3740 or through my website or email: