Friday’s Think BIG! Success Summary

5 Steps To More Effective Presentations


Mans headThere will be times in virtually every business setting that presentations will have to be made. Whether it comes in the form of addressing products to perspective and current clients; or, introducing your business, products and yourselves to others at particular community meeting settings. Often this can become a time of panic and self-doubt as confidence begins to waver.  Being able to effectively speak and make “winning” presentations in front of the many parties your business may encounter will enhance your success and grow your professional capabilities.


Perhaps the most challenging roadblock comes from the realization that many fail to see the engagement as an “opportunity”.  Instead it is only viewed  as either an uncomfortable necessity or a forced demand.  With that mental attitude, it is no wonder that so many do not readily reach out for more regularity in speaking or presentation opportunities.  As most people learned how to drive a vehicle from repeated practice, one can become more adept at this sector of their business through the same process.  With that thought in mind, here are a few simple tips that can help even the most novice person improve their skills in speaking and presenting.


First, plan and organize what you want to present or speak about.  Think: “If I was sitting in the audience or across from the table, what would I want to hear or know?”  When you decide, organize your thoughts and list them in an order you feel makes sense to address the potential need at hand. Even a simple numbered list 1, 2. 3. etc. helps you organize what to say and keeps a “flow” of information ongoing. 


Second,  do all you can to get familiar with your audience.  The more you can find out about the individual or individuals you will be addressing, the better opportunity you have to possibly address their needs or speak in their language terms.  This is how such supplements as a pre-meeting questionnaire for one-on-one potential customer meetings; or, viewing websites or reading background material or even contacting a member or members for various impacted groups can assist you.  


Third, tell them what you are going to tell them; tell them, then, tell them what you told them.  This is a simple concept but it is one of the most overlooked concepts that failed speakers or presenters make.  You simply draw attention to what you are going to say or present at the beginning.  It does not have to be lengthy; then, you expand on that introduction and then pull in other pertinent information that either illustrates the point or expands upon the material you have presented.  Finally, you simply review what they heard tying in a point from your introduction so that a mental flow of material can be associated and understood by your audience.  


Fourth, restrict your thoughts to two but no more than three key points.  This will demand you decide what matters most.  That is what you want your audience to hear.  By better knowing your audience, you can more quickly pull out what is important.  Remember, depending upon the audience, even presenting the same material, those key points may be different for different groups. If your audience wants more, allow them to ask for the expansion during a question/answer period at the end of your presentation.   


Finally, practice.  The more you can review your material and practice what you will say or even address potential questions that may arise, will enable you to gain confidence and speak with authority.  It is important that you do not rush; speak clearly and in a relaxed tone; and, avoid those every pressing words:  “You Know…” as you go along.  Flawless practice makes for a fluent presentation.


There is an old proverb that conveys the point of a thousand mile journey beginning with a single step.  Keep that in mind as you embark upon your opportunities to make presentations or engage in one-on-one appointments.  It all begins with a single engagement.  Look for all opportunities to discuss your business and product solutions.  Then,  put the five tips to work for you so that you will become a more confident presenter and speaker and gain the success you seek. 





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