Think BIG
Monthly Success Resource
November 7, 2016

Courage, Risks and Reward


  Famous race car driver Mario Andretti once said,
"If things seem under control, you’re just not going fast enough."

Taking chances can simply be a matter of perspective. Those who are more willing to take chances are looking at what they stand to gain, rather than what they could lose. They also know that even though something may not work out, no decision is catastrophic.

If we look logically at what we stand to lose and what we stand to gain, and make an educated decision, we truly can't lose when taking chances.

In fact, if you are consistently taking risks in life you will ultimately come out ahead. 

“The biggest risk in life is not the possibility of making a mistake; it’s never trying in the first place."

Featured Program

Self-Study Program of the Month

Courage, Risks and Rewards:
Taking Chances to Change Your Life

Taking a chance to do something new or different does take effort, especially if you are uncertain of the results.

In this month's featured Self-Study course, you will further explore the effort required for you to take more chances. You will do this by first becoming aware of your perspective on taking chances, and then recognizing the rewards you can receive from the risks you take.

You will also look at what can help and hamper your effort when taking a risk.

This is the “Courage, Risk, and Rewards” approach to taking chances.

Here is what you will cover in this self-study program:

  • Your personal perspective around risk taking.
  • Why you avoid risk and what you can do to better support yourself when  taking chances.
  • The possible rewards of stretching out of your comfort zone and doing    things new and different.

Special Price this Month: $47



Herman DixonThink BIG! Coaching & Training, Inc.
Herman Dixon
Author, Speaker, Executive Advisor
P. (304) 839-510

Author of the forthcoming book, Principles of Life and Leadership My Cat Taught Me