

Monday Kick-Off Insights 

BlogSometimes summer jobs can bring more than just a way to pick up needed cash and have a new experience.  Learn about that with this week's blog:  http://thinkbigherman.wordpress.com/

IdeaRetirement is always on everyone's mind.  Here is an interesting article that might help you to better examine your retirement or that of others you may serve:  http://www.thinkadvisor.com/2014/07/11/the-fastest-growing-retirement-plan-you-never-hear?eNL=53c955d0160ba076427d2f18&utm_source=topstories072014&utm_medium=enewsletter&utm_campaign=topstories&_LID=164891905

Light bulbHiring is never an easy issue.  You are always looking for candidates who make a great impression.  Think about this: "What impression are you making on candidates?"  Here is a unique article that addresses some good tips:  http://www.entrepreneur.com/article/235676 

People huddledOh yeah!  Clients are important.  What they do can determine our success or shortfall.  How are you treating your clients?  Here are some insights on how this might be done:  http://www.forbes.com/sites/stanphelps/2014/07/14/are-you-treating-customers-like-family-two-lessons-from-red-lobster-and-frontier-airlines/

Thought for this week:  "The undeveloped piece of property with the greatest potential is still between the ears."---Anonymous 

Head with positive thought

Got a question on how we can partner together?  Give Herman a call at 304-839-5101 or send an email:



Watch for our Book Club announcement coming this week...