Think BIG
Friday Business Tip
September 9, 2016

Five Distinct Traits of Super Salespeople - Trait #5

"Selling Ice To Eskimos" 

Ice Cubes


What makes “super salespeople” successful? What is it they have or they do that can be taught or conveyed to the normal sales sector?

There are five (5) distinct traits that, if learned, can enable even the most novice salesperson to grow his or her results.

Trait #5 - Finally, just like KFC’s “secret” ingredient, “Super Salespeople” also have a “secret” ingredient: positive mental attitude.  These sales giants understand that approaching any effort demands a positive mindset. 

  • You must seek solutions not praise problems.
  • Your glass is always half-full.
  • You take life’s stumbling blocks and turn them over so they become  stepping stones.
  • You understand that there is never failure; only successfully finding out  what does not work.

A "no" only opens the door to the next person waiting to be engaged. You just keep swinging away. As statistics show 80%+ of sales come on the 6th attempt but less than 40% of sales people ask about the sale after the first "no". It takes a positive mindset to have the determination to keep asking.

Do you have a daily routine to take care of your physical, spiritual and mental health? This will go a long way to keep you in a positive and refreshed mental state and ready for whatever comes your way.

We must remember that sales is not an easy undertaking; neither is milking cows. However there is always an opportunity to find workable solutions to both challenges. It can be done with a willing attitude, education, practice and a determination to succeed.  

In your sales efforts, apply these five (5) distinct traits and position yourself to soar in your results. Selling ice to Eskimos is possible.

As was once said:
"All you need is …the curiosity of a cat, the tenacity of a bulldog, the friendship of a little child, the diplomacy of a wayward husband, the patience of a self-sacrificing wife, the assurance of an Ivy League grad, the enthusiasm of an Elvis fan, the good humor of a comedian, the simplicity of a jackass, and the tireless energy of a bill collector.” 

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Herman DixonThink BIG! Coaching & Training, Inc.
Herman Dixon
Author, Speaker, Executive Advisor
P. (304) 839-5101

Author of the forthcoming book, Principles of Life and Leadership My Cat Taught Me