Think BIG
Friday Business Tip
September 25, 2015

Selling Ice to Eskimos

Sales is important for virtually any entity to achieve their immediate or long-term goals. It is even important in personal relationships, politics, leadership and other related issues. Let’s face it, sales directly or indirectly impacts the life of the world.   

It is often said that the most astute salespeople could literally “…sell ice to Eskimos.” They are the ones who make the prospects remember them by forming a personal connection and then directly or indirectly satisfying a want or need. The sales activity seems as seamless for them as society taking a breathe of air virtually every second of the day, week or year. Give them a product; alert them to a goal; put them in a territory; and, watch them achieve. They find a way to win. They help keep the “wheels of commerce” turning.

What makes these “super salespeople” successful? What is it they have or they do that can be taught or conveyed to the normal sales sector? There are five (5) distinct traits that if learned, can enable even the most novice sales person to grow his or her results. 

  • First, “super salespeople” know their product(s). This simply means that they “dig” into the fine print of their product portfolio and fully understand what the products do; don’t do; and, what might be possible depending upon an individual’s current situation demands. If it “smells” they know the smell. If if “shines” they know how bright. If it “sings” they know the tunes. If there is a “supplement” they have it mastered. They speak from personal knowledge not an educated guess. They leave no stone unturned to master the knowledge and assimilate it into their mental storehouse. Prospects know that when these salespeople speak, they are getting the “full” story or “complete” application.

  • Second, “super salespeople” know and understand the prospect. This means they utilize their knowledge of the products to enable them to focus directly on the prospects who are aligned with the products. Further, they fully understand the need and utilize a process of prospect questioning that provides them with detailed information to solidify the product's potential for the prospect. This makes it easy in most situations for the prospect to be positioned to do business. The focus is on the prospect as they are made to feel important. Knowing and understanding the needs  demands effort and devoting time to exploring proper research and application. This devotion is noble and is also a subtle recognition trait that prospects very often appreciate. 

  • Third, “super salespeople” are able to define why they are the best option for the prospect. A common error that too many salespeople make is to not convey why they are the preferred choice for products and services. This not only brings to play the company each represents; but more importantly, the added-value of the particular salesperson. They define in clear terms what makes them an added-value. They also proudly promote their brand. While some incorrectly see this as a “brag”, it is far from that. Quite simply, this is an opportunity, perhaps the only opportunity, that the salesperson will have to sell “themselves” to the prospect. People do business with those they like, respect and trust. Therefore, this first impression is crucial. “Super salespeople” know this and build their “elevator speech” so that they can convey their value succinctly. 

  • Fourth, “super salespeople” know how to close the sale. Too often, believe it or not, many salespeople fail to ask for the sale. They expect their presentation to be sufficient for the prospect to immediately say “yes” without a closing effort on their part. Their thought process often conveys, “Well, I gave them the facts and told them the cost. It is up to them what they do about it.” In one respect, it is great to assume the sale. This must be done; but, in some fashion the sale must be closed. Never assume anything because it only makes the assumer look bad. “Super salespeople” lay out the facts from the situation that was presented. They convey the needs which the questioning uncovered. Next they repeat back to the prospect comments of value, etc. that the prospect mentioned about the product benefits. They confirm how the product meets the need and what benefits may be granted in the future. Next, they resell themselves and the company they represent. They clearly define that added-value. Finally, they ask for the sale. Just as the principle proclaims: “Ask and you shall receive…”

  • Finally, just like KFC’s “secret” ingredient, “super salespeople” also have a “secret” ingredient: positive mental attitude. These sales giants understand that approaching any effort demands a positive mindset. You must seek solutions not praise problems. Your glass is always half-full. You take life’s stumbling blocks and turn them over so they become stepping stones. They understand that there is never failure only successfully finding out what does not work. A 'no' only opens the door to the next person waiting to be engaged. You just keep swinging away. As statistics show, 80%+ of sales come on the 6th attempt but less than 40% of salespeople ask about the sale after the first 'no'. It takes a positive mindset to have the determination to keep asking.  

We must remember that sales is not an easy undertaking; neither is milking cows. However there is always an opportunity to find workable solutions to both challenges. It can be done with a willing attitude, education, practice and a determination to succeed.   

In your sales efforts, apply the above five (5) distinct traits and position yourself to soar in your results. Selling ice to Eskimos is possible. As was once said all you need is “…the curiosity of a cat, the tenacity of a bulldog, the friendship of a little child, the diplomacy of a wayward husband, the patience of a self-sacrificing wife, the assurance of an Ivy League grad, the enthusiasm of an Elvis fan, the good humor of a comedian, the simplicity of a jackass, and the tireless energy of a bill collector.”  

Happy sales to you!

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Herman DixonThink BIG! Coaching & Training, Inc.
Herman Dixon
Author, Speaker, Executive Advisor
P. (304) 839-510

Author of the forthcoming book, Principles of Life and Leadership My Cat Taught Me