Think BIG
Friday Business Tip
February 20, 2015

Prospecting 101 - Part 2

When you come in contact with potential prospects, you need to have something to say. Engaging others in conversation is how you begin the process. The instance you are asked to explain what you do becomes “The Magic Moment.” This opening is your opportunity to inform others who you are, what you do and how you are able to meet their current or potential needs through your products and or services. Thus, it is critically important to have a well-planned and easily delivered message to convey.

In many circles this introductory presentation is known as “the elevator speech.”  This short, informational statement must quickly grab the attention of those you contact and hopefully convey an interest for the individual or individuals to seek additional information from you. An easy way to gain greater insight with this powerful element is to build it in the same fashion as you might a business plan mission statement. In essence you are explaining how you serve and what you will do for them.  

“Magic Moments” should be short and memorable. Keeping your statement to no more than 25 seconds in length or no more than 25 words will insure that you succinctly convey your message. Your goal is to quickly connect if possible emotionally. In the new growing era of the “Magic Moments” many business leaders are now placing video clips of their products and services and their usage as well as testimonials on their smartphones. These serve as great supplements to the “Magic Moment” interchanges. The end result can surely produce a memorable meeting for those you contact, which can convey an emotional as well as a visual connection. 

Building your “Magic Moments” presentation will demand careful thought, thorough examination of your role; and, a relentless determination to work and re-work your message until it literally “lights” the room with an inspirational and informative glow. It must be a well rehearsed statement that comes across as an artful yet natural speech. It should be suitable for audiences whether that be while shopping, in a recreational encounter or in the many normal business settings you may encounter new people. The more natural the talk, the more believable it will be to your listener. Therefore practice will certainly prove to be extremely valuable in perfecting your talk.

Here are some simple rules to keep in mind as you prepare your “Magic Moments” talk:

1) Be authentic. Build the talk based upon you and your ability to engage with the products and services you provide. Therefore, be sure you understand what you sell or provide. It is great to review others' presentations but remember use your language and allow your personality to come forth. Individualism is very important. Be who you are but be sure that the message conveyed details what’s in it for the listener, not you.

2) Be connected. Making solid eye contact is important to emotionally connect.  You know you are making good eye contact when you can distinguish the color of your listener’s eyes. If you have more than one listener then make a connection with others. Stand erect and avoid using distracting hand gestures. Speak clearly. Hurry, but don’t rush. Maintain high energy but not so much you make others feel “tired”. Listen to responses and respond.

3) Be engaging. Following your presentation, ask an open-ended question that deals with your product or service indirectly. For example, a “Magic Moments” presentation which deals with a training program vendor’s talk may ask a question along these lines: “What does your firm do regarding leadership training?”  You are trying to be conversational, not trying to make a sale. Important to know the difference. 

4) Be professional. Don’t monopolize the listener for a long period unless they request your time. Courtesy will go a long way in making a lasting impression. Ask for a business card and return one of yours to the listener or listeners. Thank them for making time to speak with you and convey how good it was to meet them as well. Your professional demeanor will insure that their first impression is the right impression.  

5) Be practice and debrief minded. Perfect practice produces lasting results.  Practice, practice and practice. That is how you move toward perfecting your talk. Don’t “wing it.” Know what you are going to say and say it well every time. Finally, after you conclude a talk, debrief yourself. Were you authentic? Did you connect? How engaging were you? Did your professionalism stand out? Were your practice sessions sound? Next talk, what do you need to do better? What do you need to continue to do? Debriefing will enable you to build on your strengths and fill in those “donut holes” of concern. The end result will enable you to build a more well-tooled presentation.

Developing an effective and engaging “Magic Moments” presentation will enable even the most novice business leader to better position themselves for more effective brand building. Your ability to convey your message is a vital step in your prospecting journey to success. Plan your work carefully and produce a product that sets you apart from the competition and positions you for greater success. Say it well and you will sell it better.  

Program Offerings 


What do you feel it takes to become a dynamic, motivational leader? What would be the impact on your business, career or personal life when you achieve this?

The Energy Leadership Development Program enables you to know where you are in this process and then access and address the issues standing in your way of success. This program will allow you to explore the 8 Building Blocks of the Energetic Leader: Emotional Intelligence; Dynamic Communication; Influencing and Engaging Others; Problem Solving; Productivity and Decision Making; High Energy Relationships; Health and Wellness; and, Time Management and Balance. 

The result of being involved in this program: more production, less effort and more fulfillment. 


This is a 16-week program designed to help you tap into your unlimited potential. It shows you how to get more of what you want out of life by teaching you how to manifest what you want, and helping you raise your consciousness. There are many personal development programs out there, but this one is unique, as it teaches you how to change who you are at your core, and provides you support as you do so. Each week, you’ll be listening to one of the CDs in the program, as well as completing exercises in the workbook and doing other assignments that are mutually decided as beneficial for you. A journal is included in your Law of Being kit; you may use this to record your thoughts and/or write down how you did on the “this week” activities that are found throughout the workbook.

Completing this program will help you unlock your unlimited potential and build the new YOU that enables your life and career to gain more balance and meaning.  

Please Email me for more information.

Special Offer 

 So let me ask you a question, 

“Have you ever held back from doing something because it was too risky?”

We probably all have done that at one time or another.

Taking a chance usually means we have something to lose,
and many of us shy away from losing.
Let’s face it, no one wants to lose. 

Still, taking chances is an integral part of life, 
and if we want our lives to change for the better, 
we have to become more aware of what we are willing and not willing to risk.

I have a special offer for you this month.

Try my Self-Study Coaching Program

Courage, Risks and Rewards

for just $3.99

This is only being offered for a limited time and only to subscribers.

 Click here to Get Started!



Herman DixonThink BIG! Coaching & Training, Inc.
Herman Dixon
Author, Speaker, Executive Advisor
P. (304) 839-510

Author of the forthcoming book, Principles of Life and Leadership My Cat Taught Me