Think BIG
Friday Business Tip
June 26, 2015

Negotiate Right (Part 2)

As we learned in last week's Biz Tip, negotiation is a key to success in business. Those who perform this task well place themselves in position to win in their endeavors. Those who do not understand the dynamics of the “negotiation” might “win the battles”, but they too often “lose the war”. 

Last time I shared the first 5 of 10 things to remember when you are negotiating. The first 5 are:

  1. Remain flexible.
  2. Know your non-negotiable.
  3. Remain cordial.
  4. Get organized before you begin.
  5. Stay in the present.

Here are 5 more things to remember:

6) Introduce options. Even the most perfect negotiation encounter has its points of stalemate. However, if you will take the time to develop and have at your disposal several options when needed for your other party to consider, your ability to conclude the process in your favor will be enhanced. Options open the door for thought and potential positive action. 

7) No Pearl Harbors. The United States was thrust into WWII by a surprise attack on the US Naval Base at Pearl Harbor. That surprise attack produced anger, anguish and conflict. Not that your negotiation opposition would be prone to declare war, but surprises can be a negative in negotiation matters. Not that some surprises might arise due to good faith dialogue; but when they do, too often they produce situations in which agreement becomes often unachievable. Strive to keep surprises at a very minimal level. This way you send signals of being highly ethical in your quest. 

8) Clarity is crucial. Stephen Covey once said that “ must strive to understand before being understood.” A top negotiator is always conscious to indications that the other party is not fully understanding the message. This will require clarification and also demand that you keep the interchange on a level where vernacular is not used and simple phrases and statements are the majority of the conversation. Keeping things at an eighth grade-six month level should address the simplicity you need to clearly convey the information. 

9) Promote the benefits. It is the same old story, people seek to know what they will obtain by agreeing to a process or an action. Selling the benefits of the action you are seeking will demand practice. When you can present those benefits in such a manner that it produces a mental picture of how they might prosper, you are closer to a winning resolution. 

10) Stand your ground. It is very important that you stand your ground for what you believe. Don’t allow yourself to be pushed around. Sometimes being friendly and agreeable can be mistaken for weakness. If the opposing party garners a feeling of your weakness, your ability for a win-win conclusion will be tougher to achieve. Remain flexible but resilient in displaying your commitment to your needs but also to a viable and acceptable final agreement.

Whether in a sales situation, trying to convince others to agree with your position, or simply working out the details of a business deal, being aware of key negotiation tactics will enable you to better position yourself for more positive results.

As was once said, “There’s a difference between bending over backward and bending over forward.” Striving for that “win-win resolution” is the viable outcome you seek. Master the art of negotiation and you will position yourself for greater success and satisfaction in your business operations.  

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The Energy Leadership™ Assessment

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Herman DixonThink BIG! Coaching & Training, Inc.
Herman Dixon
Author, Speaker, Executive Advisor
P. (304) 839-510

Author of the forthcoming book, Principles of Life and Leadership My Cat Taught Me