Think BIG
Friday Business Tip
April 10, 2015

10 Business Truths That Matter

Last week I introduced the first 3 of 10 Business Truths That Matter. Those goal minded business professionals who utilize these truths can position their business for a more successful return on the investment of time and money.  

This week I'm revealing #4, #5 and #6:

4)  Know your competition: what they are doing in the market; what strengths they are leveraging; and, where they are vulnerable. Competition gives you a reason to live. It makes you find ways to respond to the market and forces you to become the very best “you” that is possible. In doing so the market benefits and also potential customers benefit from the perspective where products and services are most likely enhanced and real value is exposed. Understanding who your competition is and what they provide enables you to better leverage your strengths or make adjustments to meet or exceed expectations where an aspect of a product or service falls below the competition. Knowing where your competition is vulnerable to your product or services enables you in the spirit of competition to take advantage of that fact and validate your effectiveness in the market. The respect and understanding of competitors promotes friendly competition, which is essential to lasting success. In doing so, you can strive to become the industry standard. 

5)  Effectively manage your advertising and marketing activities to maximize results.  Creating interest in your products and services is essential to reaching goals. In doing so you attract customers by showing how your business can satisfy their needs and wants. Your ability to fill that “void” is achieved when your product or service is remembered as the solution. You need a variety of avenues to explore so that you might evaluate what brings the greatest return of the “right” people to your company’s view. Once that is discovered, it is important to leverage the most effective process. You must also consider: a) What activities have worked in the past and if reworked would bring you even greater return? b) What are you spending time and money on currently that is simply not providing an acceptable return on investment? Finally, examine how you are currently conducting advertising and marketing. Do you perform these roles yourself or is a member of your team responsible? What would happen if you were to employ a specialty firm to handle all marketing and advertising for you? Reaping the greatest return on investment for advertising and marketing is invaluable in your business growth day-to-day operations. Be wise in your efforts and gain the market share you desire.

6)  Tell and demonstrate your value story: build your personal brand in the marketplace. What makes your business, or for that matter you, stand out in the market? Differentiation is a central factor that enables a good company or good business practitioner to become great. What is being done or has been done to create or extend value will impact your business’ bottom line. Further, demonstrating your value story or personal brand in the market is a moving target. This simply means that competition is always driving you to better your best. You must understand what image you are trying to convey and then diligently direct your efforts to exposing that picture. Thus you must ask, ‘What new actions will we undertake to entrench our brand more firmly in our market reality?” The end result must be that your client base is given the best possible service or product portfolio that clearly is the best choice to address their wants and needs. When this is accomplished, your value will be delivered and your brand awareness openly visible, despite the competition or the economic posture.

Begin today to utilize these Business Truths in your endeavors. They will enable you to better achieve the results you seek IF you will put their messages into action. 

Next time I'll share #7 and #8...

Program Offerings 


What do you feel it takes to become a dynamic, motivational leader? What would be the impact on your business, career or personal life when you achieve this?

The Energy Leadership Development Program enables you to know where you are in this process and then access and address the issues standing in your way of success. This program will allow you to explore the 8 Building Blocks of the Energetic Leader: Emotional Intelligence; Dynamic Communication; Influencing and Engaging Others; Problem Solving; Productivity and Decision Making; High Energy Relationships; Health and Wellness; and, Time Management and Balance. 

The result of being involved in this program: more production, less effort and more fulfillment. 


This is a 16-week program designed to help you tap into your unlimited potential. It shows you how to get more of what you want out of life by teaching you how to manifest what you want, and helping you raise your consciousness. There are many personal development programs out there, but this one is unique, as it teaches you how to change who you are at your core, and provides you support as you do so. Each week, you’ll be listening to one of the CDs in the program, as well as completing exercises in the workbook and doing other assignments that are mutually decided as beneficial for you. A journal is included in your Law of Being kit; you may use this to record your thoughts and/or write down how you did on the “this week” activities that are found throughout the workbook.

Completing this program will help you unlock your unlimited potential and build the new YOU that enables your life and career to gain more balance and meaning.  

Please Email me for more information.

Special Offer 

 So let me ask you a question, 

“Have you ever held back from doing something because it was too risky?”

We probably all have done that at one time or another.

Taking a chance usually means we have something to lose,
and many of us shy away from losing.
Let’s face it, no one wants to lose. 

Still, taking chances is an integral part of life, 
and if we want our lives to change for the better, 
we have to become more aware of what we are willing and not willing to risk.

I have a special offer for you this month.

Try my Self-Study Coaching Program

Courage, Risks and Rewards

for just $3.99

This is only being offered for a limited time and only to subscribers.

Click here to Get Started!



Herman DixonThink BIG! Coaching & Training, Inc.
Herman Dixon
Author, Speaker, Executive Advisor
P. (304) 839-510

Author of the forthcoming book, Principles of Life and Leadership My Cat Taught Me