Think BIG
Friday Business Tip
March 25, 2016

Three Business Mistakes Part III

Last time we talked about the second of 3 consistent mistakes that business owners, managers or leaders often make - inadequate staffing and development. Realizing these mistakes and making the necessary corrections should enable any business owner, manager or leader to gain a larger positive return for their enterprise.

Mistake #3:  Failure to ask for recommendations. 

It is always puzzling why so many business operations regularly fail to ask current customers to provide them with names of other potential customers; or, to provide the business with a recommendation of service in general. When businesses perform their responsibilities in such a manner that it provides value to current customers and those customers are happy, they will be open to provide a credible affirmation of that fact IF asked. The challenge comes with business principals simply not asking or being so passive in their approach that the business negates the importance of the recommendation in the customer’s mind.

People want to associate with winners. Someone does not walk into a business and proclaim that because the business appears to be failing, they want to be a part of that experience. People are proud of business associations where success is evident. They feel confident and assured that their best interests will be addressed and that the product or service they are receiving is “top-of—the-line” in that particular business sector. Businesses must allow customers to help them by being seriously clear in their asking reasoning and then proceeding to request names to contact or to gather a key recommendation that is available for potential customers to view. Nothing builds success or ignites growth like the recommendations from current customers. When people know you care, they care for you too.

As has been said, “Running a business is 95% people and 5% economics.” Whether you are a business owner, manager, or a leader in your organization, being able to overcome these 3 mistakes will help you soar to new heights. Put your knowledge to work beginning today. 

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Herman DixonThink BIG! Coaching & Training, Inc.
Herman Dixon
Author, Speaker, Executive Advisor
P. (304) 839-510

Author of the forthcoming book, Principles of Life and Leadership My Cat Taught Me