Think BIG
Friday Business Tip
June 30, 2016

Time Management Tip #5

What can be done to insure that we make better use of our time? What is that “silver bullet” that once delivered will make a difference in how we dig in and do the things that enable us to get more done, with less stress, and gain more satisfaction with our lives in general? 

Here's the fifth of 8 tips:

5)  Don’t allow things to waste your time. Email, social media, cable news, meetings and telephone calls can rob you of valuable time. You must realize that you might have less than you think. You can spend an eternity on the items just mentioned. Not that each is not an important part of your business or your life for that matter; but, it is a matter of when and how much.

Discipline yourself to setting specific times during the day when you will involve yourself with the “things” that stand to pull you away from critical needs. Otherwise, set “blackout” periods so you will be able to focus on your key goals. You might even go so far as to cut your computer off; unplug the television; and place your phone on message, only as long as the phone is not the only one for your business.

Regarding meetings, before you hold a meeting, examine whether it is really necessary. If necessary, can it be done virtually? Establish an agenda and share that with those involved for any additions. Be pithy in your meeting dialogue and don’t dwell on issues unrelated to your needs. For face-to-face meetings, you might even hold the meeting in your meeting area but remove the chairs. A Fortune 100 CEO once held meetings in this setting, and they proved to be highly effective in achieving great results. It all boils down to what you really allow. Will you control time or allow it to control you? Those who make the worst of their time are the ones who always complain there is never enough time.  

Next week I'll share Time Management Tip #6...

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Herman DixonThink BIG! Coaching & Training, Inc.
Herman Dixon
Author, Speaker, Executive Advisor
P. (304) 839-510

Author of the forthcoming book, Principles of Life and Leadership My Cat Taught Me