Think BIG
Friday Business Tip
June 24, 2016

Time Management Tip #4

What can be done to insure that we make better use of our time? What is that “silver bullet” that once delivered will make a difference in how we dig in and do the things that enable us to get more done, with less stress, and gain more satisfaction with our lives in general? 

Here's the fourth of 8 tips:

4) Be diligent but not rigid. Famed business leader Lee Iacocca once said, If you want to make good use of your time, you’ve got to know what’s most important and then give it all you’ve got.” You can’t address the issue of properly using your time if you are not fully committed to this undertaking. Full commitment falls into the example of how the chicken and the pig impact breakfast: the chicken makes a contribution by providing the eggs. The pig, on the other hand, makes a commitment by providing the bacon and sausage. You simply can’t make a contribution; you must make that firm commitment if you are to gain control of your time and in essence, your life in general.

Further, understand that there will be times you must be flexible enough to re-position priorities because emergencies come up. You can’t predict them; so, you must always prepare to address those times. Diligence is great and necessary, but not to the point that you become so rigid you will not adjust to meet true emergencies. In conclusion, how do you gain that diligence? It is up to you. As the old saying goes "time is money”.  Everyone can make the time as long as you have the money. If you think of it in those terms, you should have little challenge in becoming diligent in seeking more effective time management techniques.

Next week I'll share Time Management Tip #5...

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Herman DixonThink BIG! Coaching & Training, Inc.
Herman Dixon
Author, Speaker, Executive Advisor
P. (304) 839-510

Author of the forthcoming book, Principles of Life and Leadership My Cat Taught Me