Think BIG
Friday Business Tip
June 10, 2016

Time Management Tip #3

What can be done to insure that we make better use of our time? What is that “silver bullet” that once delivered will make a difference in how we dig in and do the things that enable us to get more done, with less stress, and gain more satisfaction with our lives in general? 

Here's the third of 8 tips:

3)  Establish no more than 3 key goals to accomplish in a single week. 

If you will stop and think through what is REALLY important to accomplish your needs, it most often will center on 3 key areas each week. If you look at your needs list as you prepare to build a plan, how can you effectively complete 6 or 8 or 10 key items in a week with all the other demands that you might typically have in business? Filling your plan with grandiose lists of actionable items may be great for the ego, but all it does in the end is provide you a larger list of things to pull over to the next week.

The bigger issue is that 95% of the things you pull over are most often not even vital to what you must get accomplished. If they were, you would have needed to act on them with greater  diligence.

With a focus on 3 key goals, week in and week out, you will get more accomplished and eliminate unnecessary activity for the sake of feeling better about checking off pointless items from a list.  

Next week I'll share Time Management Tip #4...

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Herman DixonThink BIG! Coaching & Training, Inc.
Herman Dixon
Author, Speaker, Executive Advisor
P. (304) 839-510

Author of the forthcoming book, Principles of Life and Leadership My Cat Taught Me