Think BIG
Friday Business Tip
July 8, 2016

Time Management Tip #6

What can be done to insure that we make better use of our time? What is that “silver bullet” that once delivered will make a difference in how we dig in and do the things that enable us to get more done, with less stress, and gain more satisfaction with our lives in general? 

Here's the sixth of 8 tips:

6) Constantly checkpoint yourself. Remember this, “The checker gets what the checker checks.” This means you need to insure you are making progress on the time goals you established.

If you are falling short, what is causing your demise? What must you do to get yourself back on track?

If things are working, what have you discovered about your effort? What must you do to maintain success? How are your time goals impacting the achievement of your key goals? Are you beginning to get more accomplished in better time with less stress? 

All these actions and insights will allow you to continue to stay on top of critical issues that impact who you are and what you are striving to accomplish. Also, you must insure during the entire process that you are besting that great foe known as procrastination. Procrastination prevents progressive performance.  Besting it helps you to eliminate the often reality for many that “Tomorrow is the busiest day of the week.” In fact, procrastination could be described as the “Achilles Heel” of time management. Act today so that tomorrow is made better.

As Napoleon Hill, noted author and famed personal success guru once said, “Most misfortunes are the results of misused time.”

Next week I'll share Time Management Tip #7...

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Herman DixonThink BIG! Coaching & Training, Inc.
Herman Dixon
Author, Speaker, Executive Advisor
P. (304) 839-510

Author of the forthcoming book, Principles of Life and Leadership My Cat Taught Me