Think BIG
Friday Business Tip
July 22, 2016

Time Management Tip #7

What can be done to insure that we make better use of our time? What is that “silver bullet” that once delivered will make a difference in how we dig in and do the things that enable us to get more done, with less stress, and gain more satisfaction with our lives in general? 

Here's the Sixth of 8 tips:

7) Eliminate clutter. A business executive arrived at his office one day and saw all the stacks of papers on his desk. After shaking his head and giving a big sigh, he said, “Life is a sequence of things you meant to get done yesterday.” 

Now many may disagree but clutter on one’s desk or in a work area is also a challenge to properly using time. What makes this so? Because just like our business friend discovered, it is work that remains from previous days. It means you have to stop focusing on today to refocus on yesterday or the day before that, etc. It produces a “catabolic” or destructive mindset that zaps your positive energy from under you and propels you to dwell on problems versus placing a focus on solutions.

It must stop! Clear that desk! Eliminate that clutter! Get things organized in your work area and you will begin to have that mental mindset that puts you in position to control your total time versus succumbing to its demise.  

Next week I'll share Time Management Tip #8...

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Herman DixonThink BIG! Coaching & Training, Inc.
Herman Dixon
Author, Speaker, Executive Advisor
P. (304) 839-510

Author of the forthcoming book, Principles of Life and Leadership My Cat Taught Me