Think BIG
Friday Business Tip
February 3, 2017

More Key Lessons from Hurricane Matthew

While some feel Hurricane Matthew was not one of the most destructive storms in our nation’s history, it is still estimated that final numbers could find the storm approaching the $70 billion price tag of Hurricane Sandy. Though frightening, stressful, and uniquely demanding, here are 2 more key lessons that you can gain from this storm’s fury.

Lesson 5: Be flexible. Flexibility is a crucial component of building lasting success. Whether that occurs with altering business focus to expand current market penetration; or, in the case of hurricane warnings, departing one’s residence for a more secure locale, being flexible will provide a more viable access to securing vital goals. The critical must falls on the willingness to initiate the process. When hurricanes are approaching the shoreline and you are standing in water up to your waist, it is not the time to “dig in your heels” and declare that you have no fear of being swept away. Being flexible in retreating from your watery perch to a safer environment will insure that you will most likely live to stand in the water another day. In business, it is much the same demand. Your ability and willingness to “pivot” to address current business demands or deal with critical issues will forever determine your future. As author Roger Von Oech said, “Flexibility is a requirement for survival.”

Lesson 6: Keep alert…be aware of your surroundings. When a hurricane approaches, it is easy to allow yourself to become distracted from pressing needs.  You can become so focused on what you see as a vital goal that you neglect to realize rising water, closed travel routes or that the dog has decided to hide. It is much like the flawed goal of filling a barrel with water and blindly focusing on doing just that. However, in your quest, you overlook the fact that a small leak in the rear of the barrel is allowing your water to slowly escape. It is most often the ‘little” issues in life or business which can cause you to not reach your ultimate goal. Whether it is rushing to an important appointment and forgetting to include a vital file that was left on your desk, or overlooking an anniversary for that special someone in your life, your complete awareness of your surroundings makes a difference. Successful goal-driven winners position themselves to intently focus on their goals but also remain alert and open to what is occurring around them. This awareness helps bring about critical changes more effectively and readjust priorities so that the end result can better be reached. As has been said, “Awareness is empowering.”

Action Step: Do you have checks and balances built into your plan? Perhaps scheduled 'check-ins' to make sure the course you are on still makes sense?

Next week I'll share 2 more key lessons...

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Herman DixonThink BIG! Coaching & Training, Inc.
Herman Dixon
Author, Speaker, Executive Advisor
P. (304) 839-510

Author of the forthcoming book, Principles of Life and Leadership My Cat Taught Me