Think BIG
Friday Business Tip
February 26, 2016

Phone Best Practices

Your perception by others could be the difference in success or shortfall. Learning to properly use the telephone and how to control the interchange is a skill. It takes time and practice but it can be mastered by anyone. 

Phone Tip #5: A few final suggestions... 

  1. Keep 'out of office' messages updated. Your professional image drops if someone hears your message mention Christmas and it is the middle of July. 
  2. To insure you are speaking clearly and with proper tone, and you have a smile in your voice, record yourself and then ask, “What image am I projecting?” 
  3. ALWAYS use hands-free operation for calls made or placed in your vehicle. Your life is worth more than distracting your eyes from the road. If conversations get complex, pull off the road to a safe place out of traffic to concentrate on your call. 
  4. Return all calls no later than 24 hours from their receipt. If you can’t due to issues, have someone make the calls for you in your absence. Though there might not be a conclusion to the issue at least you show your professionalism.
  5. When speaking with a receptionist or other designated screener, be sure to get their name and use that name at least 3 times during your interchange. When you end, be sure to provide a resounding “Thank You”. This sets you apart from almost 98% of all callers.
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Herman DixonThink BIG! Coaching & Training, Inc.
Herman Dixon
Author, Speaker, Executive Advisor
P. (304) 839-510

Author of the forthcoming book, Principles of Life and Leadership My Cat Taught Me