Think BIG
Friday Business Tip
August 26, 2016

Five Distinct Traits of Super Salespeople #3

"Selling Ice To Eskimos" 

Ice Cubes


What makes “super salespeople” successful? What is it they have or they do that can be taught or conveyed to the normal sales sector?

There are five (5) distinct traits that, if learned, can enable even the most novice salesperson to grow his or her results.

Third, “super salespeople” are able to define why they are the best option for the prospect.  A common error that too many salespeople make is to not convey why they are the preferred choice for products and services. This not only brings to play the company each represents; but more importantly, the added-value of the particular salesperson. They define in clear terms what makes them an added-value. They also proudly promote their brand. While some incorrectly see this as a “brag”, it is far from that. Quite simply, this is an opportunity, perhaps the only opportunity, that the salesperson will have to sell “themselves” to the prospect. People do business with those they like, respect and trust. Therefore, this first impression is crucial. “Super salespeople” know this and build their “elevator speech” so that they can convey their value succinctly.

Do you have an elevator speech ready to describe you and your business' value in a confident and clear way?

Next week we will look at the Fourth trait of "super salespeople".

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Herman DixonThink BIG! Coaching & Training, Inc.
Herman Dixon
Author, Speaker, Executive Advisor
P. (304) 839-5101

Author of the forthcoming book, Principles of Life and Leadership My Cat Taught Me