Think BIG
Friday Business Tip
July 10, 2015

Are You Considering These Questions?

Leading a successful business operation, sales force or a division is a demanding undertaking. It requires skill, dedication and a relentless attention to detail.  It also involves taking risks, planning, making decisions, taking action and recruiting, developing and utilizing an effective team.  

There are 7 key questions for business professionals to consider in the performance of their duties:

  1. In your business operations, how are you influencing and keeping your team focused and aligned on the strategic initiatives that grow the business?
  2. How are you measuring and tracking what you say is important?
  3. How do you and your leaders clearly describe the vision, mission, strategies and goals in understandable terms?
  4. How do you avoid struggling to get your sales team focused? How would a faster start each quarter help you sustain momentum?
  5. How are you applying focus and resources on the right priorities?
  6. How often are you overwhelmed by too many ideas and don't know where to start?
  7. What resulted from your last strategic planning process? What must you do differently?
  8. Bonus Question: How do you maintain work/life balance without sacrificing business results?

How would it feel to have these issues clearly defined and more effective plans put into action to gain the results you desire?

At Think BIG! Coaching and Training, you have a business partner who is totally committed to your success. We can help you more effectively lead for success by developing business plans that get results; developing a team that aligns with your business goals and strategies; helping you cascade the leadership demands and become a more impactful leader; living a life of balance; and, position yourself to leave the legacy you want.

You may find a business review session valuable, to explore your current demands and enable us to understand how we might partner with you for the results you require.

You may contact Herman directly to schedule at 843-879-3740 or 304-839-5101.

You also may email Herman at:

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 One Page Sales Plan

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Herman DixonThink BIG! Coaching & Training, Inc.
Herman Dixon
Author, Speaker, Executive Advisor
P. (304) 839-510

Author of the forthcoming book, Principles of Life and Leadership My Cat Taught Me