Think BIG
Friday Business Tip
January 30, 2015

Upcoming Offerings

What enables leaders to be great?

What enables great leaders to better manage stress,
create sound work-life balance and
more fully enjoy their career and their lives? 

Which personality trait is most important to inspire others to act?  

Which style of leadership will enable you to be most successful?

We're starting soon!  It's not too late to join us!

Join me in February for the 1st session of the Think BIG! Book Club. We will answer these questions in our discussions about our first featured book, Energy Leadership by Bruce D Schneider.

Energy LeadershipThe Think BIG! Book Club is an ongoing study of various business and key issue books that enables the participant to more effectively meet current needs and gain expertise in areas of interest. 

The registration cost of $49 for this first series, includes a minimum of 3 -60 minute review calls with other club members; the book "Energy Leadership"; plus study questions, key forms and other related materials to make the learning experience vital and also fun.

Click here to Learn More and Register

4 Corners of an Impactful Business

Impactful is defined as… having a powerful effect or making a strong impression.  Virtually every business owner or leader strives to insure their individual enterprise reflects this definition in the marketplace. When this status is achieved, chances are very high that success will soon follow.

What are some key factors that come to play in making a business “impactful”?  Experience teaches us that there are four (4) key corners in this effort:  communication, environment, skills and planning.

Communication is so vital in building an indestructible enterprise. When information is conveyed so that every impacted party is aware of what is occurring, the reason for the particular action and the ultimate goal, it builds an appreciation and an alliance for the organization. Regardless of agreement over the action, the simple fact that time and care was given to convey the information in a straight forward manner will be appreciated. This also holds true for interaction with clients. The impactful business is one that keeps clients informed and also tells them simply what they need to hear, not necessarily what they want to hear. Knowledge is a great power tool when it is utilized. Convey that knowledge though your communication efforts with those who need to understand. As business great Max De Pree once pointed out, “There may be no single thing more important in our efforts to achieve meaningful work and fulfilling relationships than to learn to practice the art of communication.”

Environment is another huge component to building an impactful business. It is very broad in nature and addresses such areas as

  • the culture that is being created or duplicated;
  • the personality of the business in the community;
  • the physical appearance of the business and professional persona of the people connected to the business;
  • the brand;
  • the attitude displayed to clients and the marketplace at large;
  • the internal structure;
  • the physical people connected to the business and how they interact with each other as well as the community;
  • the service level; and,
  • perhaps a key factor often overlooked, the “feeling” of everyone who does or inquires about business with the company.  

Too often this last area does not get the attention it should. It is vital to “see yourself as others see you.”

  • How do you appear?
  • Why would anyone want to work for your business?
  • What makes you so special that others should do business with you?
  • How would anyone know you have a energetic and success-minded team within your business?
  • What does your physical location say about the business to those who do not know about your business?
  • What really is your brand?
  • Are you a leader within your business with an accountability mindset; or, are things loosely done with no order or structure?
  • How does the community know of your support? 

All of these are questions that will help guide the development of an impactful business. The answers supplied will enable that business to remain impactful.

Remember, environment also has some focus on this thing called “perception.”  Those who pay attention to this process and work to turn a perception into the most favorable view are generally those who will be confirmed as having an impact. Keep the environment strong and its view positive so that your business might gain the proper standing it needs to have a long-term affect.

Skill has much to do with knowledge and simply understanding how things should be done. It is vital to deliver more than people expect. That goes without saying; but, you have to be sure that what you do deliver is beneficial to the welfare of those utilizing your products or services. The impactful business utilizes technology in a manner that benefits its clients but also shows potential clients that “school is never out” on maintaining a competitive edge in the marketplace. Clients enjoy information sources both from expertise within the business and addressing their interests or needs via the manner they choose. People do enjoy making their own conclusions.  

Remaining current on your products or services and understanding new ways those resources can be delivered is important. For example, today's client might expect a text about an upgrade not a fax or postal letter. Even exploring and using new sales processes and sales aides or technology could have a greater impact on results.  While “old” methods of work process are not necessarily bad, failing to convey current standards may cause clients to question your understanding and commitment. Don’t get lost in complacency thinking new ideas and knowledge is not needed to be successful. Remember, it is not always good practice to be locked in a wagon train mentality in a world of supersonic travel.  

Keep your skill levels high as well as those of all in your business. You owe it to your clients and your business to be the best you can be. Impactful businesses continue to invest in themselves so that others will soon invest in them.

Planning is important. So important that regretfully it is not always done properly. Impactful businesses

  • live their vision;
  • know their mission;
  • map out their strategies;
  • understand their objectives; and,
  • have results-proven action plans.

You can’t simply “show up” and expect positive results to appear. It takes precise planning to gain the return you seek. One time CEO of Sigma Research, Richmond J. Hoch, said this about planning, “People think planning turns a company into a bunch of gray men marching in lockstep. But planning makes things possible. It can drive you through those ignorance barriers and force you to come to terms with what you don’t know.” You cannot build an impactful business without a plan.

A mistake that many business professionals make is to build a plan on volume versus building a plan on results. The process in building the plan in essence becomes more important than what the plan contains. To build that impactful business plan you need to answer only 5 key questions:

  1. What are you building? 
  2. Why does your business exist?
  3. What will you measure as it pertains to the results, so that you know whether or not you are successful?
  4. How will you go about building the business you desire? 
  5. What will this process demand in regards to the work that must be done? 

The content of this process will of course demand thought, analysis and a great focus on many other factors; but, the end result will be beneficial. You know you have reached the pinnacle when you can explain your mission in 10 words or less and your objectives, strategies and action plans are concise, time sensitive bullet points that enable anyone walking in off the street to understand what you are seeking to accomplish.  

Impactful businesses also always polish their plans. They simply do not take last year’s goals and put a new date on them. They examine vision, mission, objectives, strategies and actions plans so that each fits what the current needs demand. Are the action plans really achieving the objectives? They drop low priority items and insure that every area is specific, measurable and clearly defines all levels of accountability.  Further, they also share those plans so that insight is gained regarding whether their plan is really strategic, contains critical initiatives and reflects the best thought of all parties. When all is said and done, impactful businesses win.

If you truly desire to have an impactful business, one that clearly has a strong effect or makes a strong impression, be sure that you have the “4 Corners” covered.  Unleash your power.

Be inspired by the finish line.

Remember nothing is ever accomplished on the sidelines.

Do your part.

How committed are you? 

Will you give it all you have?

It takes heart so tap into your creative juices and build the impactful business you deserve.



Herman DixonThink BIG! Coaching & Training, Inc.
Herman Dixon
Author, Speaker, Executive Advisor
P. (304) 839-510

Author of the forthcoming book, Principles of Life and Leadership My Cat Taught Me