Think BIG
Friday Business Tip
December 18, 2015

4 Corners of an Impactful Business Part III

As discussed last time.... Impactful is defined as… having a powerful effect or making a strong impression. Virtually every business owner or leader strives to insure their individual enterprise reflects this definition in the marketplace. When this status is achieved, chances are very high that success will soon follow. 

What are some key factors that come to play in making a business “impactful”? Experience teaches us that there are four (4) key corners in this effort: communication, environment, skills and planning. 

Corner III: Skill
Skill has much to do with knowledge and simply understanding how things should be done. It is vital to deliver more than people expect. That goes without saying; but, you have to be sure that what you do deliver is beneficial to the welfare of those utilizing your products or services. The impactful business utilizes technology in a manner that benefits its clients but also shows potential clients that “school is never out” on maintaining a competitive edge in the marketplace. Clients enjoy information sources both from expertise within the business and addressing their interests or needs via the manner they choose. People do enjoy making their own conclusions.  

Remaining current on your products or services and understanding new ways those resources can be delivered is important. For example, today's client might expect a text about an upgrade not a fax or postal letter. Even exploring and using new sales processes and sales aides or technology could have a greater impact on results.  While “old” methods of work process are not necessarily bad, failing to convey current standards may cause clients to question your understanding and commitment. Don’t get lost in complacency thinking new ideas and knowledge is not needed to be successful. Remember, it is not always good practice to be locked in a wagon train mentality in a world of supersonic travel.  

Keep your skill levels high as well as those of all in your business. You owe it to your clients and your business to be the best you can be. Impactful businesses continue to invest in themselves so that others will soon invest in them.

Next time we'll look at Corner IV: Planning


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Herman DixonThink BIG! Coaching & Training, Inc.
Herman Dixon
Author, Speaker, Executive Advisor
P. (304) 839-510

Author of the forthcoming book, Principles of Life and Leadership My Cat Taught Me