Think BIG
Friday Business Tip
April 3, 2015

10 Business Truths That Matter

In virtually every industry sector, there are 10 Business Truths That Matter.  Those goal minded business professionals who utilize these truths can position their business for a more successful return on the investment of time and money.  

In the next few weeks, I'm going to share these 10 Truths in detail.  This week, we're looking at #1, #2 snd #3:

  1. Plan, develop and execute a realistic, prudent business plan; then, constantly monitor it. Today’s economic climate requires a focus on specifics.  Goals determine action; therefore, you must know what you are striving to achieve.  You can’t simply “go through the motions” and expect to achieve results. You must constantly know where you are so that shifts might be taken to keep you on the correct path. Planning allows you to be able to advance when one door of opportunity closes so that you are positioned to advance toward another door. It is also vital that everyone on your team know what they are to do and why it is important that they perform their roles well and achieve pertinent goals. Prudent plans that are monitored and acted upon will produce the potential for goals to be reached and success to be celebrated.
  2. Examine, evaluate and insure that you have the right people in the right job and the right number of people at work in your business. Gone are the days that you can simply hire “a person” to fill a role. You must have the “right “ person on board to fill a particular need. Further, it is important to evaluate your current team. Do you have the “right” people in the “right” role? In other words, are you maximizing your return on investment from each member of the team? What are the shortfalls and what are you prepared to do in order to correct the shortfalls? How could you better associate strengths of each person on your team to address needed roles in your business? How are you “building” your team? One of your greatest expenses centers around people. The success or setback you encounter in your business will directly or indirectly result from the people you hire, how you utilize them and how they are developed. Don’t simply “hire people” because they will come cheaply or you are in dire need. Hire the “right people” who will enable you to grow your business and achieve the results for a profitable future.

  3. Know your market and where the potential exists. Understanding your market, its demographics, strengths, shortfalls, etc., is an important part of building an effective plan to achieve the results you need. It must be more than a passive acquaintance. It must be a knowledgeable insight that allows you to operate from a position of certainty. But a more critical avenue to explore is where the new potential lies. What avenue is being underserved? What new opportunities are your current products and services producing that you have not realized? Where is the growth? What might you do differently to gain greater penetration or encourage new options?  Knowing your market and where you can go next will position you to gain the returns you desire.

Begin today to utilize these Business Truths in your endeavors. They will enable you to better achieve the results you seek IF you will put their messages into action. In the final analysis, whether you do or whether you don’t is simply a matter of choice.  Choose wisely and gain the success and satisfaction you deserve and you will never “work” another day in your life.  

Next week, I'll share #4, #5 and #6...

Program Offerings 


What do you feel it takes to become a dynamic, motivational leader? What would be the impact on your business, career or personal life when you achieve this?

The Energy Leadership Development Program enables you to know where you are in this process and then access and address the issues standing in your way of success. This program will allow you to explore the 8 Building Blocks of the Energetic Leader: Emotional Intelligence; Dynamic Communication; Influencing and Engaging Others; Problem Solving; Productivity and Decision Making; High Energy Relationships; Health and Wellness; and, Time Management and Balance. 

The result of being involved in this program: more production, less effort and more fulfillment. 


This is a 16-week program designed to help you tap into your unlimited potential. It shows you how to get more of what you want out of life by teaching you how to manifest what you want, and helping you raise your consciousness. There are many personal development programs out there, but this one is unique, as it teaches you how to change who you are at your core, and provides you support as you do so. Each week, you’ll be listening to one of the CDs in the program, as well as completing exercises in the workbook and doing other assignments that are mutually decided as beneficial for you. A journal is included in your Law of Being kit; you may use this to record your thoughts and/or write down how you did on the “this week” activities that are found throughout the workbook.

Completing this program will help you unlock your unlimited potential and build the new YOU that enables your life and career to gain more balance and meaning.  

Please Email me for more information.

Special Offer 

 So let me ask you a question, 

“Have you ever held back from doing something because it was too risky?”

We probably all have done that at one time or another.

Taking a chance usually means we have something to lose,
and many of us shy away from losing.
Let’s face it, no one wants to lose. 

Still, taking chances is an integral part of life, 
and if we want our lives to change for the better, 
we have to become more aware of what we are willing and not willing to risk.

I have a special offer for you this month.

Try my Self-Study Coaching Program

Courage, Risks and Rewards

for just $3.99

This is only being offered for a limited time and only to subscribers.

Click here to Get Started!



Herman DixonThink BIG! Coaching & Training, Inc.
Herman Dixon
Author, Speaker, Executive Advisor
P. (304) 839-510

Author of the forthcoming book, Principles of Life and Leadership My Cat Taught Me