Friday’s Think BIG! Success Summary

Through trial and error work over my career, I have found that there are 12 Certainties that seem to be critical for achieving success in any business or career as a whole.  Utilized individually or as an inclusive group, I am certain each can positively impact your personal and professional life.  

 1) Never take yourself too seriously. 

 2) Things that happen are never as bad as they seem and could be much worse.  

3) If you will focus on the solution vs. praising the problem, you can find answers to challenges.  

4) Work your plan.  Execution is key.

5) Take time daily to "think" about your business. 

 6) Communicate with your team. constantly  

7) Put yourself in your client’s shoes and ask, "Now, if I were the customer, what would I want and expect?" 

8) Associate ONLY with people who have positive attitudes.  

9) Get active in your community.  

10) Find a study group to join or form one yourself to increase your professional or personal knowledge base.  

11)  Don't take shortcuts in reaching your goals or business activities.  Integrity and self-respect are difficult to regain when lost.

12) Never lose belief and trust in yourself.

Now anytime I make suggestions or pass along learning’s that have found reality in my career and have potential benefit to others, I am reminded that Socrates was a Greek philosopher who went around giving people good advice.  He was poisoned!  So, while not wanting to be poisoned, I do hope that each of the above 12 Certainties find meaning and success for you.  

Remember, success stops when you do!  It is a slow process and it most often goes to the steady player. My wish for you as you apply these Certainties comes from the words of Ralph Waldo Emerson:

Laugh often and much;

Find the best in others.

To know even one life has breathed easier because you have lived.  

This is to have succeeded.

For more information about Herman and how Think BIG! Coaching and Training, Inc. may be of help to you or your business, contact us by phone at 304-839-5101 or through our werbsite:

Check our our blog, review our new on line developmental program and also request our special report on business plans.