September 2018

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Hello from Herman

The story is told about a college professor who was preparing a final exam for his soon to be graduating seniors. He divided the questions into three categories and the seniors were instructed to choose questions from only one category.

The first category was the hardest and worth 50 points. The second was worth 40 points and the third category, the easiest, was worth only 30 points. Upon completion of the exam, the seniors who had chosen the 50 point category were given A’s. The 40 point choosers received a B and the seniors who chose the easiest route received a C.

Many of the students were frustrated with the grading of the papers and asked the professor to explain what he was looking for. The professor smiled and explained that he was not testing their book knowledge, but he was testing their “aim.”

Historian and philosopher Machiavelli said, “Make no small plans for they have no power to stir your soul.”

Author and sports psychologist Robert Kriegel said it this way, “The key is to have a dream that inspires us to go beyond our limits.”

Too often far too many people are short on dreams. Even those with dreams often set their sights low enough to protect themselves from failure. They are restricted in their thoughts and actions. This restriction proves fatal as the ultimate conclusion in their efforts finds their accomplishments being far short of what they might be. For whatever reason, they never stretch beyond their self-imposed limitations.

Just as the professor’s senior students made their choices, so do you have the opportunity to choose. Choose to dream BIG dreams and to in turn think BIG thoughts. Find the key that will unlock the treasure chest that lies within you. Afterwards, set your course to utilize that treasure for the greatest purchase you will ever make: the fulfillment of your dreams! 

Think BIG!


herman@thinkbigcoaching and



Personal Development Corner: “6 Questions to Keep You Focused” 

  1. How can you best prepare for your next big goal? 

  2. How can you move beyond your present comfort zone?

  3. How can you create a positive team environment?

  4. What are the principles of high performance in your opinion?

  5. How can you best execute your business plan and win?

  6. How can you build a platform for continued success?

Quotes to Keep You Charged

“Nobody who ever gave his best regretted it.”
     —George Halas, founder of the Chicago Bears

“The cave you fear to enter holds the treasure you seek.”
     —Joseph Campbell, author

“Change your thoughts and you change your world.”
     —Norman Vincent Peale, Minister/author

“Each man is the architect of his own fortune.”
     —Appius Caecus, Early Roman leader

“If you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change.”
     —Wayne Dyer, author and speaker

“Sometimes if you want to see a change for the better,
 you have to take things into your own hands.”
     — Clint Eastwood, actor/director

Food for Thought

There are fewer than 100 work days remaining in the year. How will you spend those final days of the year? Will it be pondering and regretting what you have failed to accomplish; working to complete your year at breakneck speed; or, working to complete your year and looking forward to 2019? Regardless of your choice, facts are simple: YOU WILL HAVE TO MAKE THAT CHOICE!

A clear vision with a precise mission statement complimented by prominent objectives, understandable strategies and workable action plans should enable you to reach the goals you have set. The challenge most often arising and facing business owners at this time during the year is simply the reality that time is running out. It is also the time of the year that critical errors are made. Too many react to their current situation versus respond. Reaction muddies the mind while an effective response will open up the thought passageways and lead to greater success.

As you ponder your situation, respond don’t react. Think through what can be done even if it will demand some extra “elbow grease” to reach the plateau. Involve your team and or others close to you who have an interest regarding your success. You just may discover a new pathway to your goals. In the words of the old philosopher and baseball great Yogi Berra of the New York Yankees, “It ain’t over ’til its over!”

Business Tips and Insights: “The 4 Corners of an Impactful Business”

Impactful is defined as “… having a powerful effect or making a strong impression.”  Virtually every business owner or leader strives to insure their individual enterprise reflects this definition in the marketplace. When this status is achieved, chances are very high that success will soon follow.

What are some key factors that come to play in making a business impactful? Experience teaches us that there are four (4) key corners in this effort: communication, environment, skills and planning.

1. Communication is so vital in building an indestructible enterprise. When information is conveyed so that every impacted party is aware of what is occurring, the reason for the particular action and the ultimate goal, it builds an appreciation and an alliance for the organization. Regardless of agreement over the action, the simple fact that time and care was given to convey the information in a straightforward manner will be appreciated. This also holds true for interaction with clients. The impactful business is one that keeps clients informed and also tells them simply what they need to hear, not necessarily what they want to hear. Knowledge is a great power tool when it is utilized. Convey that knowledge through your communication efforts with those who need to understand. As business great Max De Pree once pointed out, “There may be no single thing more important in our efforts to achieve meaningful work and fulfilling relationships than to learn to practice the art of communication.”

2.  Environment is another huge component to building an impactful businessClick here to read more....

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Herman Dixon
Think BIG! Coaching & Training, Inc.
Herman Dixon
Author, Speaker, Executive Advisor
P. (304) 839-5101

Author of the forthcoming book,
Principles of Life and Leadership My Cat Taught Me