Think BIG
Friday Business Tip
March 2, 2018

Team Building

You can’t simply assemble people in your business and say you have a team. It just doesn’t happen despite how effective you may feel yourself to be as a leader. Team building takes great effort and time to evolve. To develop a true team environment these things should be evident:

1)  Everyone thinks together not alike. Diversity of thought builds viable outcomes. When differing insights are encouraged, the best solutions can be reached.

2)  Common vision and mission. When everyone understands the vision and mission and is focused on delivery, greater productivity is possible and goal attainment will come.

3)  Accountability is welcomed. It is vital that all members have clarity regarding their role responsibilities and accept full and unquestionable accountability in their performance.

4)  Communication is open and fearless. There must be a forum to deliver ongoing communication as it pertains to goals and current needs despite shortfalls that may be evident. It must reinforce values, the visions and mission of the team and include all team members. Its ultimate goal is to create and build ownership for results.

5)  Celebrate success. When achievement is realized, celebrate. Clearly show how the team through efforts of each sector led to success. Promote achievement and it will become a popular ongoing event.

As the well know phrase explains:  “Together, Everyone Accomplishes More!”


Herman DixonThink BIG! Coaching & Training, Inc.
Herman Dixon
Author, Speaker, Executive Advisor
P. (304) 839-5101

Author of the forthcoming book, Principles of Life and Leadership My Cat Taught Me