Think BIG
Friday Business Tip
February 23, 2018

Sales Success

Adding value to your efforts to market your products to current customers and potential customers demands great effort. Though it is an often used term and too often an overlooked demand, putting value in your sales efforts makes a difference. When customers see the value, quite often it will lead to sampling your offerings. How do you express value?

  1. Know your customer. Understand their needs and wants. Be alert to their market and potential.
  2. Walk your talk. If you say 24/7 service, deliver. People will listen to what you say, but they most often watch and either react or respond to what you do.
  3. Specialize your presentation. Tailor your recommendations to the customer. One size does not fit all. Be sure customers or prospects can see that they are individuals, not simply numbers. 
  4. Communicate. It can’t be “one and done” when a customer comes on-board. You need to have some form of regular communication to continue interest and to build a lasting relationship. Provide articles or notes of interest based on their needs. Get their input from time to time on how your products are solving their needs as well as how you are performing personally. What will they need in the future to expand their relationship with you? These contacts are valuable actions for success. Do so slowly so that you are not overwhelming them with constant mailings or contacts. Relationships take time to develop. Slow, timely and steady will bring solid results.
  5. Never forget to say “thank you.” The value in a sincere “thank you” will do more for your business profile than any promotion, gift or offer. When customers know how much you care, they will listen more carefully to how much you know. 

Herman DixonThink BIG! Coaching & Training, Inc.
Herman Dixon
Author, Speaker, Executive Advisor
P. (304) 839-5101

Author of the forthcoming book, Principles of Life and Leadership My Cat Taught Me