August 6, 2019

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Business Short

The Right People Make the Difference

Having the right people on your team often eliminates many worries. Being able to evaluate their skills and place them in roles which allow them to exercise their strengths is critical.

Generally, these individuals are self-motivated, readily engaged and carry your company’s brand as their motivating factor to achieve. Your goals are their goals and each desires to help you create a greater, highly successful business profile. In essence, you build a team where the strengths of each member enable your wagon of opportunity to travel more smoothly. In doing so, you are positioned to grow great results.

Having the wrong people is nothing short of an economic drain. These individuals may perform a role, but it usually comes at a cost. To them it is simply a job not a consolidated effort to better direct your brand. Whether the company falls short in its goals or achieves its goals matters little to them. Either way, by simply putting in their time, they will get paid. Their motivational intent never produces results, and the environment they crave centers on how to get the work done with the least effort while never shortchanging their compensation options. Never allow these people, regardless of how pleasant their personalities may be, to remain with your company. It is not fair to you nor the other right people you may employ. 

It is therefore vital to get the wrong people off your team and the right people on your team. In doing so, you will insure better results. You must keep looking for the right people and never, never rush to hire.

Look at the best people you currently have. What do they possess that matters most to you and your company’s results? Then, go about finding others with similar qualities or strengths you need to make your company stronger. Being selective in your team building efforts may be uncomfortable in the developing stages, but the rewards of having that team in place, one that thinks together for the betterment of the organization, positions your organization to consistently win.

My New Book!
 "Courage is grace under pressure." ~Ernest Hemingway

In my new book, I provide a theme for each month of the year. August's focus is on courage.


Visit me on
Social Media
 for more excerpts and inspiration from the book!



 Visit My Book Page!


Herman Dixon
Think BIG! Coaching & Training, Inc.
Herman Dixon
Author, Speaker, Executive Advisor
P. (304) 839-5101

Author of the forthcoming book,
Principles of Life and Leadership My Cat Taught Me