July 23, 2019

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Business Short

A True Killer of Success: Complacency

It is easy to feel that we have “arrived.” We may be financially secure, confident in ourselves and willing to “ride the horse” that brought us forward for the balance of time.

We become in essence “lazy” and stop doing the things that brought us success. We deflect responsibility, at times knowingly and at times unknowingly, until we transform from a personal “asset” to a visible “liability.”

Complacency kills growth, encouragement and determination. It can and will impact everything and everyone that might come into contact with its potentially lethal bite. Once its “venom” is flowing within the confines of an individual, mental and physical energy to engage is drained. The individual is then transformed and thus leisurely “feeds” in the environment until it is stripped of its resources.

Remember: complacency is not a friend. Complacency is an enemy out to make you its next unknowing victim.

My New Book!
 “The future does not get better by hope: it gets better by plan. And to plan for the future we need goals.” - Jim Rohn

In my new book, I provide a theme for each month of the year. July's focus is on Goals. 

Visit me on Social Media for more excerpts and inspiration from the book!


Thoughts Along the Way by Herman Dixon

Visit my Book Page!


Herman Dixon
Think BIG! Coaching & Training, Inc.
Herman Dixon
Author, Speaker, Executive Advisor
P. (304) 839-5101

Author of the forthcoming book,
Principles of Life and Leadership My Cat Taught Me