November 2, 2021

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This month's focus: Perseverance


Perseverance…everyone strives for it but few are able to FULLY experience it because when the going gets toughest, they back away.

I have often heard it said, “When you get to the end of your rope, just tie a knot in it and hang on.” That’s perseverance.

Here is a story of one man who rode the tough waves and achieved what few thought possible.  
Age 22, failed in business.
Age 23, ran for legislature and was defeated.
Age 24, failed again in business.
Age 25, elected to legislature.
Age 26, sweetheart died.
Age 27, had a nervous breakdown.
Age 29, defeated for speaker.
Age 31, defeated for elector.
Age 34, defeated for Congress.
Age 37, elected to Congress.
Age 39, defeated for Congress.
Age 46, defeated for Senate.
Age 47, defeated for Vice President.
Age 49, defeated for Senate.
Age 51, elected President of the United States.
This is the record of Abraham Lincoln. Throughout his life, he had defeat after defeat. But, his small victories gave him hope and he never gave up. His perseverance finally gave him the highest office in our land. Now, you may not be an Abraham Lincoln, but you probably have faced and are facing challenges daily.
You have but two choices.
  • One, to give in and say that things are just too tough; or,
  • Two, to hang in there.

Keep believing in yourself and maintain your focus, live your dream and give it all you got and then some. That is perseverance!


  • Tough times come, tough times go. Fortunate times come and go as well, but the determining factor that separates the haves from the have-nots is perseverance.
  • Yes, perseverance is that staying power that enables us to remain focused on results and not find ourselves “giving up” on our intended goals. It is that energy which only comes from a commitment of mind and body. It is, in the words of Robert Half, “what makes the impossible possible, the possible likely, and the likely definite”.
  • So powerful, so moving, and yet so easily lost, perseverance is not an entitlement but a reward earned from well-focused hard work. The secret ingredient: faith.
  • An old New Your Mets poster once noted, “You gotta believe.” You gotta believe to have perseverance work and work effectively. Faith in you, your work, your goals, and your future. It is a must.

How about you? Do you believe? Is your faith strong? Do you have the perseverance to build your dreams into realities? You decide.

Make perseverance an ally!

My New Books!
“Success seems to be largely a matter of hanging on
after others have let go”. ~ William Feather

In my new book, I provide a theme for each month of the year. November's focus is on Perseverance.


Visit me on
Social Media for more excerpts and inspiration from the book!


Herman's Books

Herman's Books

This companion eBook includes
extra content about each of the
12 themes in
"Thoughts Along the Way".
>> Read the story of why I wrote my first books HERE. <<

 Visit My Book Page!


Herman DixonHerman Dixon
Author, Speaker, Executive Advisor

Phone: (304) 839-5101

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Author of the book, Thoughts Along The Way and the forthcoming books, Confessions of A Poor Country Boy and Hermanisms.